A qualitative investigation into the impact of parenthood: giving a voice to mothers with sight loss in the UK Helen Molden Doctorate in Counselling Psychology & Psychotherapy by Professional Studies Metanoia Institute & Middlesex University
Introduction Research aims Background to the research Methodology Progress thus far: data collection and analysis
Research aims To give an in-depth view of the lived experience of mothers going through parenthood and its impact on their identity To explore the types of emotional support the mothers were offered
Background to the research “The difficulty in being a blind mother is neither in being blind nor in being a mother. It is in the attitudes of others, the invisible barriers, which can separate me from other mothers and my children from their children” Kendrick, D (1983) Invisible barriers: How you can make parenting easier. Disabled USA, 1, 17-19, p19 ”
Methodology I Research promoted through RNIB media, small local charities and relevant online media 10 participants chosen through purposive sampling across the UK (9 interviewed by telephone)
Methodology II Transcription, then coding using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (Smith 1994) Coding using counselling skills to draw out implicit as well as explicit Smith, J. A. (2004). Reflecting on the development of interpretative phenomenological analysis and its contribution to qualitative research in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 1,39–54.
Findings thus far I Developing themes: 1.Children as motivating force – mother as model 2.Shame & guilt towards child – good enough mother concept 3.Role of anger & frustration – towards self and others
Findings thus far II Key words across 3 interviews: “frustrating” “isolated” “guilty”
Types of support Public sector Voluntary sector Family and friends Local community Online