Initial Teacher Education Professional Resource Network: Patricia East and Sui-Mee Chan
The Consortium London Metropolitan University Middlesex University Northumbria University University of Chichester University of Cumbria University of Northampton University of East London University of Sunderland 3T Productions Ltd (Research Machines plc) Trentham Books
Aiming High All children and young people should be able to achieve their potential, whatever their ethnic and cultural background and whichever school they attend. DfES (2003) Aiming High, page 4
Educational achievement Black Caribbean44.9% (up 3.2%) Black African51% (up 2.7%) Bangladeshi56.6% (up 3.9%) Pakistani51.4% (up 3%) GCSE results (5 grade A*- C: national average 57.3% in 2006) DfES Statistical First Release (2007)
Educational achievement: Social Class Social class is a fundamental variable affecting levels of educational achievement. Pupils in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) have significantly lower levels of achievement across all Key Stages and in GCSEs 33% of pupils eligible for FSM gain 5 GCSE Grade A* -C (compared with 61% of non FSM pupils; national average is 57.3) DfES Statistics First Release 2007
Educational achievement Bilingual and multilingual learners – If there is little or no provision to support bilingual learners then their learning suffers (The Foundation Stage, Ofsted 2007). Where children’s home language is supported they are more likely to get top-grade passes in GCSE exams in all subjects (Positively Plurilingual, CiLT 2006) Travellers and Roma – perform below national average at all Key Stages (DfES Statistical First Release 2007) Refugees and asylum seekers – many high achievers but some groups do underachieve: Kurdish boys (Mehmet Ali 2006), Somali pupils (Lambeth 2007), East European Roma (Aiming High, DfES 2003)
Diversity: The Strands ‘Race’ and Ethnicity Social Class Religious Diversity Bilingual and Multilingual Learners Refugees and Asylum Seekers Travellers and Roma
Website: October 2007 Number of registered users Teacher educators Student teachers/trainees Teachers 10,084 22% 54% 13% Number of resources621 Average daily downloads1,907
Dissemination National conference: London 9 th May 2008 Regional workshops: Spring/Summer 2007 Autumn/Winter 2007 Road shows: Website demo guide Participation rates HEI 98% SCITT and EBTT 50%
Contacts Patricia East Sui-Mee Chan