Overview of SUDS research at the Urban Pollution Research Centre and Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University DayWater: EU FP5; Sustainable stormwater management ( ) SWITCH: EU FP6; Integrated urban water management ( ) Heathrow and Jersey Airport: BAA; Management of airport runoff ( ) COST 636: EU ESF; Fate of xenobiotics in the urban water cycle ( ) CROCUS: NERC/ESRC; Urban river restoration in potentially contaminated settings seminar series ( )
EU FP5 DayWater: Adaptive Decision Support Systems (ADSS) for Sustainable Stormwater Management Decision support tools (e.g. MCA), information sources (e.g. urban dynamics) and databases (e.g. case studies) A multi criteria analysis decision-support tool A conceptual approach for predicting the behaviour of stormwater priority pollutants BMP catalogue ADSS available on-line at
EU FP6 SWITCH: Sustainable Water management Improves Tomorrow’s Cities’ Health Technological options for stormwater control under conditions of uncertainty Increasing urbanisation, climate change scenarios and changing socio-economic factors Alternative hybrid and retrofit technological approaches Risk assessment of proposed strategies Decision-making processes for effective stormwater management Current stormwater strategies in relation to planning procedures, supporting legislation and political initiatives Decision-making processes and modes of communication Multi-benefit catchment scale stormwater management strategies Best management practice principles for stormwater management
Heathrow and Jersey Airports: Management of Airport Runoff Aeration ponds, subsurface-flow wetland and floating wetland systems for removal of aircraft de-icing fluids Field studies to monitor treatment performances of each component in relation to BOD removal Laboratory work to simulate processes in ponds and wetlands Assess impact of other airport runoff constituents on biodegradation processes
EU ESF COST 636: Fate of xenobiotics in the urban water cycle Main objectives Assess the role of xenobiotics in the urban water cycle Develop strategies for minimizing their impact on humans and ecosystems Working groups Identification, sources and fluxes Methods for treatment Impact assessment Analytical issues
NERC/ESRC CROCUS: Channel RestOration in Contaminated Urban Settings Restored rivers as culture, Kingston University, January 2006 Restored rivers as engineered components of urban lifestyles, Cranfield University, 05/06 River Restoration and public health (i) Problems and issues, University of Aberystwyth, date: TBC River restoration and public health (ii) Methodologies and tools, Venue and date TBC Policy and governance of restored rivers, Venue and date TBC Communicating and managing risk in urban river settings, Queen Mary, University of London, 10/07.