Web-based Knowledge Sharing Tools The Case of Drylands Resources Knowledge & Practice Network -- Botswana, Kenya and Mali Pauline W. Maingi, Kimetrica International, Kenya
web2fordev PaulineMaingi Outline of the Presentation Introduction Introduction The Web-tools adopted by the network The Web-tools adopted by the network Strengths Strengths Challenges Challenges Opportunities Opportunities Conclusion Conclusion
web2fordev PaulineMaingi Introduction The need for the network incl. targeted network members The need for the network incl. targeted network members Network perception surveys – Botswana, Mali and Kenya Network perception surveys – Botswana, Mali and Kenya Proto-type development Proto-type development Workshops in each country Workshops in each country Further development, online testing by selected users Further development, online testing by selected users
web2fordev PaulineMaingi Tools for Knowledge Sharing 1. Collaborative mapping, enabling users to: –Overlay location of species, practices, risks etc on Earth –Describe the selected areas e.g. what risk? –Define a location using a specified distance (est.) from a known geographical feature e.g. town –Enable other network users to confirm ‘accuracy’ of mapping information added through voting
web2fordev PaulineMaingi Tools for Knowledge Sharing 2. RSS feeds 3. Social network of sort -- online library -- enable users to add, search, view publications; contact author, inform others 4. Discussion forums ?? --- Not web 2.0 but … 5. Web 2.0 enabling applications – AJAX and Virtual Earth
web2fordev PaulineMaingi Strengths Multiple options for information/knowledge sharing among network members Multiple options for information/knowledge sharing among network members Relatively easy mapping options for people with limited technical knowledge Relatively easy mapping options for people with limited technical knowledge –Online and offline doodling; local community involvement Strengthening knowledge base at a low cost and “from the horse’s mouth” Strengthening knowledge base at a low cost and “from the horse’s mouth” Virtual Earth and AJAX - fast and responsive Virtual Earth and AJAX - fast and responsive
web2fordev PaulineMaingi Challenges Public sector constraints to use collaborative knowledge sharing tools Public sector constraints to use collaborative knowledge sharing tools Existing culture Existing culture Limited local community map-reading skills Limited local community map-reading skills Knowledge flow from web to local communities Knowledge flow from web to local communities Quality control for information added by users incl. spatial accuracy of community knowledge Quality control for information added by users incl. spatial accuracy of community knowledge Intellectual property rights Intellectual property rights Internet bandwidth, connectivity and costs Internet bandwidth, connectivity and costs
web2fordev PaulineMaingi Opportunities Reduced cost of PDA with GPS capability Reduced cost of PDA with GPS capability Increasing internet connectivity, internet cafes, wireless communications in remote areas Increasing internet connectivity, internet cafes, wireless communications in remote areas Reduced costs of internet access Reduced costs of internet access Changing attitude and culture -- organizations & individuals Changing attitude and culture -- organizations & individuals
web2fordev PaulineMaingi Conclusions There’s potential for adopting web 2.0 tools in natural resource management in Africa There’s potential for adopting web 2.0 tools in natural resource management in Africa Adoption need to be incremental Adoption need to be incremental Intermediaries play a role to enable local communities benefit from web 2.0 Intermediaries play a role to enable local communities benefit from web 2.0 Need for information/knowledge sharing to people in the ‘South’ about web 2.0 tools, their capabilities etc Need for information/knowledge sharing to people in the ‘South’ about web 2.0 tools, their capabilities etc
Thanks! Special thanks to CTA, my sponsor to this conference! Copyright Pauline Maingi This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.