+ By Miki, Michaela, John, and Tsugumi Group 4 Project Cookie Monster!
+ Our Scenario... At the crime scene: A hair clip is found leaving a crater on a pile of flour The wrapper of the cookie is left, with fingerprints There is a muddy footprint left on the kitchen floor
+ The Crime Scene... Click to start video:
+ What We’ll Do... Investigate fingerprints Analyze Impact Craters Conduct Soil Sampling
+ Experiment 1: [Biology: Finger Printing] Collect finger prints from the suspects (5 boys and 5 girls from grade (age 6-9/Height 130 – 145) Collect them all on a glass Put the charcoal over each finger prints Take all the finger prints off with tape Paste it on a sheet of paper Compare shape with the print on the crime scene Identify person that stole the muffin
+ Experiment 1: [Biology: Finger Printing]
+ Experiment 2: [Physics: Impact Crater] Set a pile of flour on the floor Drop baseball from different heights Measure diameter Set equation: y= x Diameter ≈10.11cm 10.11= x x=146.24cm
+ Experiment 2: [Physics: Impact Crater] Diameter=10.11cm Height=146cm
+ Experiment 3: [Chemistry: Soil Sampling] Test 1: pH 1. Dilute 1cm³ of soil in 10cm³ of water 2. Measure pH using venier pH sensor RESULTS Footprint found at the crime scene Soil samples collected from: 1.Car park 2.Outside middle school 3.Outside elementary school 4.Outside high school There was a similarity in the pH in the soil from the crime scene and sample 3
+ Experiment 3: [Chemistry: Soil Sampling] Test 2: Amount of inorganic matter Place 1g soil into a crucible & weigh Heat on bunsen burner for 10 minutes Remove & weigh crucible again Result: The remains in the crucible is inorganic matter.The soil with more inorganic matter had a heavier mass after being heated on the bunsen burner. The organic matter had burned up.
+ Experiment 3: [Chemistry: Soil Sampling] Results: Sample 3 and the sample taken from the crime scene, showed similar characteristics. Conclusion: The 3 tests showed a match between the crime scene soil and the sample collected outside the elementary building. This means that the suspect came in from the elementary side of school.
+ Experiment 3: [Chemistry: Soil Sampling]
+ Results... The thief was: Height: 146 cm Came from: Outside elementary school A girl So the thief was…a girl from elementary school!
+ Miki’s Reflection Reflecting on this Group 4 project, I was first little worried because every thing was new to me. But my members in this group from Nagoya International School helped me a lot when ever I needed. By having this project, I could learn about many things.
+ Michaela’s Reflection From the 2 experiments done, only the pH test turned out successful. Due to a complication with the scale being used the organic matter experiment could not be completed. This problem could have been prevented by testing the efficiency of the scale before hand. By simulating the results however, a conclusion could be drawn up to fit the experiment. Practical applications of this experiment can be seen in the farming industry. This test could be done to test the nutrient level in soil before crops are planted. The pH test method could have been improved with the use of larger test tubes. The probe did not reach the very bottom of the test tube, and this is where there was a larger concentration of soil. The recorded pH value could have been slightly affected due to this systematic error. A practical application of this experiment would be to test the amount of lime in your soil. By testing for the amount of lime present, the amount of fertilizer that is needed in the soil can be determined.
+ Tsugumi’s Reflection Reflecting on this Group 4 project, I think it was pretty difficult to reach everyone when I wanted to, especially my FIS partner, as we were in different schools, and at times it was frustrating. I was also worried about coming up with the scenario and experiments in the beginning, but I was able to contribute by giving feedback to everyone, and communicating frequently. Overall I had a fun time doing this project, and I was able to reconfirm how communication was key when working together with people.
+ John’s Reflection The real life applications in which our methods could be applied for his to investigate the height of an object was dropped such as a cargo from a air plane, the height at which some fell, or even a meteorite. The pros of our method was that it was easily conducted and that by using we were able to eliminate other variables such angles, air resistance, and other variables. The cons of our expeiment is that by saying that the baseball is the hairclip the results gained would be different than the actual hairclip and the results for our experiment would differ greatly from the actual Improvements would be to use an object indentical or similar to the hairclip and gather an abundance of data