What is Nutritive Analysis? Compiles information on the nutrient content of the selected menu. Based on nutrient group selected. Weighted average of all nutrients selected. Useful in determining menus having too much or too little of a nutrient.
How is it done? Location Folders > Menus > Menu Maintenance Enter menu number or select from drop down Must enter a patron count. Tools>Nutritive Analysis.
Fields under NA report box: Nutrient Groups ◦ Created through Global>Nutritive Analysis. ◦ Selection depends on what info you want.
Fields under NA report box: Standard Group ◦ Created through Global>Nutritive Analysis. ◦ Selection depends on what info you want.
Fields under NA report box: Age Range: ◦ Only needed if a demographic group is selected under Standard Group.
What if I want to find all recipes that are either high or low in a nutrient?