#amecatwork Measurement Week w/c 15 th September, 2014 An AMEC Global Education Programme initiative
What is it – and how can I be to involved!
The strategic direction What is it? Key strategic initiative from AMEC to fill the gap between understanding the value of PR measurement but doing something about it! Measurement Week is a high profile programme to help achieve greater adoption of measurement techniques without which devalues PR as a business discipline. Measurement Week will help fill that gap through an International week of AMEC member-led events unified via social media to raise awareness and excitement around the latest thinking in measurement. AMEC’s three International Chapters will co-ordinate Measurement Week activities.
How to take part and the benefits Every AMEC member, whatever its size, can get involved by organising an event in their own country. everyonMeasurement Week benefits everyone -You because it identifies your company with measurement. -Your clients – who see they are working with a company who believes in best practice. -AMEC/the industry – because it raises awareness of the importance of measurement.
Give me an example of what I can do? These are suggestions – to inspire you to have others! Organise a local Measurement Week event in your city/country during September. Join with your public relations membership organisation in your country to run a Measurement Week event. Run a combined panel event with agency, measurement vendor, client. Hold a webinar on measurement for clients and prospects. Hold Internal “town hall” meetings for all staff – training and discussion around measurement. By publishing blog, tweeting about Measurement Week, launching a report on measurement. Use Measurement Week as an employee communications initiative within your offices – especially if you are part of an international network. Crowdsource the measurement of some enormous event fits within Measurement Week. Bring in social media vendors for an event – e.g.. Twitter, radian 6.
Member inspiration – from South Africa! AMEC member Ornico has already thought of events it could run during Measurement week in South Africa: South Africa: A measurement and analysis breakfast event (in partnership with the Public Relations Institute of South Africa – PRISA) held in Johannesburg – proposing alternatives to AVEs which is still very popular in South Africa | latest trends in PR measurement and analysis as per AMEC Amsterdam conference. Media releases and interviews in South African media – ENCA - TV | Online - Bizcommunity.com | Print - CEO magazine | Online - The Media Online | Online - MarkLives - |Radio – SAFM | possible others. Nigeria: an event for the Nigerian PR industry in Lagos - looking at latest measurement trends. Kenya: an event for the Kenyan PR industry in Nairobi – looking at the latest measurement trends. This will also serve as a PR exercise for Ornico as the Kenyan operations are currently being established. Measurement article with latest trends for the Ornico column in Management (Kenya) magazine.
Launch ideas Strategy is to target the groups who are most vested in the concept rather than promote too heavily among the wider marketing community. Year 1 objective is to build a solid but perhaps not spectacular foundation for future success and keep the concept slightly below the line until momentum has been generated Creative save the date mailer – on and offline, perhaps using the #amecatwork concept Encourage AMEC members to spread the word through WoM and through their channels using #amecatwork. AMEC to provide content for publication as stand-alone or as part of broader measurement material to AMEC members at launch and during the week (& published to the Measurement Week holding page
How can AMEC get the message out? Partnering with key trade bodies – these logos are examples. Engaging with those that have been involved over a number of years (the Measurement Camp community in London for example). Launch a teaser campaign using the hashtag #amecatwork. #amecatwork Take the teaser offline and produce mailer artwork for member companies to send to clients using the #amecatwork concept. Build a landing page for Measurement Week off AMECorg.com. Engage with the good and the great of measurement – get written endorsements from these influencers and encourage mentions by them in blogs etc. Partner with measurement vendors to offer free trials of platforms for clients or agencies signing up to Measurement Week.
Next steps How will members be involved? Each International Chapter to accept responsibility for promoting Measurement Week within its geography. PR collaterals provided by AMEC Secretariat All Committees asked to come up with ideas. Each Chapter to look for one flagship property to run during Measurement Week – e.g. collaboration with PR membership group, trade partner, etc PLUS Special delegate creative session for delegates at International Summit in Amsterdam in June!