CLASS VISION I will with confidence, strive to speak, read, write and think above my level, so that I may grow ESOL levels to exit out of ESOL. I will speak life and hope into my life and others. I believe everyone is capable of achieving excellence, and is capable of going to college. Therefore, I will act like a college student starting today. CLASS MOTTO Today I choose to overcome adversity. By working harder and respecting my peers and school. I will with confidence take Viking pride in myself and education; to achieve my goals, and become whatever I set my mind to. I KNOW the ANSWER, I am and will be the SOLUTION!
Standard I will be able to Cite Textual Evidence that supports my analysis of what the text explicitly says and infers. To determine the theme of the text
English Through ESOL Essential Question: What if everyone were the same in society? Hot Question: What are the positive and negative effects of a society where everyone is the same? How far should a society go to keep everyone equal and in order?
English through ESOL 2 Period 5 CEP: How is society effected by the rules created to keep everyone equal? Use textual evidence to show how the theme is developed over the course of the text due to these effects? I will analyze text for textual evidence that supports the theme in "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut (1 paragraph open respond ESOL 2 ) (Response will also include Vocabulary test)
English through ESOL 3 & 4 Periods 1 & 5, 7 CEP: How is society effected by the rules created to keep everyone equal? Use textual evidence to show how the theme is developed over the course of the text due to these effects? I will analyze text for textual evidence that supports the theme in "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut (2 Paragraphs ESOL ). (Response will also include Vocabulary test)
Vocabulary English through ESOL Pages Vigilance 2.Wince 3.Consternation 4.Cower 5.Synchronizing 6.Neutralizing ( Vocabulary test will be included with CEP Response Complete Frayer Model by 9/8/15 )
Thursday Agenda September 10, 2015 English through ESOL 1. Attendance 2. Vocabulary Quiz 3. CEP Learning Target: I will be able to provide the correct definition to text vocabulary, and answer and complete CEP question for “Harrison Bergeron.”
Tuesday Agenda September 8, 2015 English through ESOL 1. Attendance 2. Opener: Grammar: Frequently misspelled words. 3. Turn in Home learning: Frayer Model 4. Quick review of text "Harrison Bergeron” 5. Vocabulary Review: Kahoots: 6. Small Groups: Complete graphic organizers and Begin Text questions on page 41 Questions: 1-4 & 10 Learning Target: I will be able to analyze and provide textual evidence from the text "Harrison Bergeron," in order to support the theme of the text
Thursday Agenda September 3, 2015 English through ESOL 1. Attendance 2. Bellringer: Grammar: Frequently misspelled words. 3. Continue discussing theme vs main idea 4. Continue and finish reading "Harrison Bergeron” 5. Complete graphic organizers and Begin Text questions on page 41 Questions: 1-4 & 10 Learning Target: I will be able to analyze and provide tetual evidence from the text "Harrison Bergeron," in order to support the theme of the tex
BellRinger Instructions: Identify and correct the misspelled word in each sentence below. 1. If you are just beginning a new hobby, you’re considered an amature not an expert. Misspelled word: ________________________ Correction: ________________________ 2. When natural disasters strike, many nearby communities aid in releef efforts and help to raise funds and supplies for those affected. Misspelled word: ________________________ Correction: ________________________ 3. The bride lead the procession down the aisle Misspelled word: ________________________ Correction: ________________________
BellRinger Instructions: Identify and correct the misspelled word in each sentence below. 1. If you are just beginning a new hobby, you’re considered an amature not an expert. Answer: amature should be amateur 2. When natural disasters strike, many nearby communities aid in releef efforts and help to raise funds and supplies for those affected. Answer: releef should be relief 3. The bride lead the procession down the aisle Answer: lead should be led
Tuesday Agenda September 1, 2015 English through ESOL 1. Attendance 2. Bell Ringer; Grammar: Colon 3. Continue discussing theme vs main idea 4 Continue reading "Harrison Bergeron“ page 35 and filling out graphic organizers. Learning Target: I will be able to synthesize textual evidence to determine and summarize the theme in the text "Harrison Bergeron"
Instructions: Identify the correct use of a colon. 1. Identify the correct introduction of a quote. a.Thomas Jefferson describes the sacrifice for freedom: “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” b. According to Thomas Jefferson: “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” c. Thomas Jefferson describes: “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” 2. Which of the following are proper uses for a colon? a. Introducing a list b. Introducing a quotation c. Both a and b 3. Which sentence uses a colon correctly? a. Trees are important: to plants and animals. b. There are three parts to a perfect garden: nutrient-rich soil, sunlight and water. c. Driving can be exciting: scary and thrilling.
Instructions: Identify the correct use of a colon. 1. Identify the correct introduction of a quote. a. Thomas Jefferson describes the sacrifice for freedom: “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” b. According to Thomas Jefferson: “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” c. Thomas Jefferson describes: “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Answer: a: Thomas Jefferson describes the sacrifice for freedom: “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” 2. Which of the following are proper uses for a colon? a. Introducing a list b. Introducing a quotation c. Both a and b Answer: c: both a and b 3. Which sentence uses a colon correctly? a. Trees are important: to plants and animals. b. There are three parts to a perfect garden: nutrient-rich soil, sunlight and water. c. Driving can be exciting: scary and thrilling. Answer: b: There are three parts to a perfect garden: nutrient-rich soil, sunlight and water.
1.Insert a colon after a complete sentence to indicate the start of a list. For example, "We need several things from the market: bread, milk, cereal, strawberries and lemons.“ 2.Replace a semicolon with a colon between two strong clauses when the second clause illustrates or explains the first clause. You would write, "Garlic is my favorite spice: it brings out the flavor in my best Italian dishes." It is not necessary to capitalize the first word of the second clause. 3.Use a colon to introduce a quotation of three or more lines. The quotation should be indented an additional 1/2 inch on the right and the left. The Swede feared for his life: "You are all out to get me" (Crane 97). The colon links the preceding sentence with the quotation. Because both parts of this example are complete sentences, the colon (not the comma) is the appropriate mark to link the. 4.Put a colon after the salutation (greeting) of a business letter. Write "Dear Mr. Jones:" or "Dear Human Resources:" The use of a comma after a salutation indicates a friendly letter, so it is not acceptable to use this form even if you are acquainted with the recipient of your business correspondence.
Friday Agenda August 28,2015 English through ESOL 2, 3 & 4 1. Attendance 2. Journal entry 3. Vocabulary review in context pages 4. Continue Getting to know begin reading of "Harrison (P, 5&7) Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut 5. Introduce Graphic organizers I DO, WE DO, THEY DO, YOU DO. Teacher will model how to complete graphic organizer Learning Target: I will be able to define and explain text vocabulary and theme; to select textual evidence that supports the theme of the text. "Harrison Bergeron." By Kurt Vonnegut
Bell Ringer Journal Entry Explain a time when a person or place had too much power over you or others. How did that make you feel. Provided details to support your answer. Be ready to share out!
Wednesday Agenda August 26,2015 English through ESOL 1. Attendance 2. Bellringer: Grammar Semicolon 3. Vocabulary review in context pages 4. Whole group discussion on power, control, and equality 5. Title and Picture Analysis on page 38 6. Getting to know author Kurt Vonnegut page 37 and begin reading of "Harrison Bergeron" Learning Target: I will be able to define and explain text vocabulary and theme to select textual evidence that supports the theme of the text. "Harrison Bergeron." By Kurt Vonnegut
Bell Ringer Instructions: Identify the correct use of a semicolon ( ;). 1.Which of the following sentences uses a semicolon correctly? a.I love the outdoors; however, I have never been white water rafting. b. Jaclyn dances in three dance companies; DCDC, NYCDC and WDDC. c. Victor and Victoria are twins; and they are identical in nearly every way. 2. Where does the semicolon belong to make the sentence correct? a.Most plants use photosynthesis to make food, however; some plants are carnivorous. b. Most plants use photosynthesis to make food; however, some plants are carnivorous. c. Most plants use photosynthesis; to make food however, some plants are carnivorous. 3. Place a semicolon in the sentence below to make it correct. Some people have food allergies others do not.
Bell Ringer Instructions: Identify the correct use of a semicolon. 1.Which of the following sentences uses a semicolon correctly? a.I love the outdoors; however, I have never been white water rafting. b. Jaclyn dances in three dance companies; DCDC, NYCDC and WDDC. c. Victor and Victoria are twins; and they are identical in nearly every way. 2. Where does the semicolon belong to make the sentence correct? a.Most plants use photosynthesis to make food, however; some plants are carnivorous. b. Most plants use photosynthesis to make food; however, some plants are carnivorous. c. Most plants use photosynthesis; to make food however, some plants are carnivorous. 3. Place a semicolon in the sentence below to make it correct. Some people have food allergies; others do not.
What if everyone were the same? As a group discuss the following and be ready to shareout AdvantageDisadvantage
Understanding Theme & Author Getting to know Author of "Harrison Bergeron" Kurt Vonnegut on page 33
Small Groups D.I. Teacher LedIndependentTechnology Remediation of whole group I Do, We Do, You Do Independent #1 Independent #2 ESOL Imagine 1 and 2 ESOL 3 & 4 Achiever 3000
Let's make it a productive week with Ms. K August 31- September