Conflict Review Internal and External
SORT THE CONFLICTS: Consider the following conflicts. Are they internal or external. On your paper, identify which category each conflict belongs to. After the Review, create a sentence that describes each type of conflict in your novel.
INTERNAL CONFLICT Mental or emotional struggle that occurs in the mind of the character
EXTERNAL CONFLICT Struggle between the main character and an outside force (someone or something else against the character)
Categorize these Conflicts as either internal or external (on paper) 1. PERSON VS PERSON 2. PERSON VS NATURE (tornado) 3. PERSON VS SELF 4. PERSON VS SUPERNATURAL (ghost) 5. PERSON VS TECHNOLOGY (robot) 6. PERSON VS SOCIETY
What type of Conflicts are these? Mary- Was in an all-out war with her best friend over a rumor she had started Michael- Kept going back and forth as to if he should ask his crush to the dance Cody- Couldn’t help think that his cell phone had a mind of its own
Answers: Were you correct? Michael (person vs self) Cody (person vs technology) Brittany (person vs nature)
What type of Conflicts are these? Brittany- Had to pick up pieces from her house that had been scattered by the hurricane Paula- Had a poor self-image because she could not afford to buy name brand clothing Alex- Wouldn’t enter the bedroom out of fear for the monster living in the closet
Answers: Were you Correct? Brittany (person vs nature) Paula (person vs society) Alex (supernatural)
External and Internal Now Identify at least ONE Internal and One External Conflict that exist in your novel. Be sure to describe how the conflict effects the character’s traits and/or the plot events in the book. You can choose more than two conflicts to write about (be sure to include the MAJOR conflict that effects the outcome of the book.