Leadership and Governance
The Carrot before the Stick Jamie Pearson, Edinburgh Napier University & Sarah Lee, EAUC
Leadership and Governance What is it? Why does it exist?
Leadership and Governance What is it? Commitment Principal/Vice Chancellor Action Plan Baseline and SMART targets Report Per institution & EAUC Sector Report
Leadership and Governance Drivers for Success Scottish Funding Council Scottish Government APUC Learning for Sustainability Scotland (RCE) Energy Saving Trust Zero Waste Scotland Duties on Public Bodies Learning for Change (UNDESD)
Leadership and Governance Edinburgh Napier: Management Structure
Leadership and Governance Edinburgh Napier: Information Structure
Leadership and Governance Activity: How do you manage all of this in your institution? Policies/Plans/Management Systems etc
Leadership and Governance Activity: How do you communicate and promote this engagement?
Leadership and Governance YOU CAN’T MANAGE WHAT YOU DON’T MEASURE Reporting
Leadership and Governance Reporting
Leadership and Governance EAUC (UCCCfS) Scottish Funding Council Climate Change (Scotland) Act Part 4 Guidance: Duties on Public Bodies Public Sector Sustainability Reporting Guidance Sustainability Data Universities & Colleges Climate Change Action Plan Sustainability / Progress Report HESA Returns eMandate/ equivalent Legal requirement to report Sector report to SFC Other Factors: SG Climate Change Act Targets LiFE metrics SFC – Carbon & Sustainability Reporting US Efficiencies Taskforce EU Trading Standards Carbon Reduction Commitment Scottish Government European Union Scottish Funding Council EAUC HE/FE Sector Data
Leadership and Governance Activity: List challenges and opportunities of reporting you might face in your institution. What do you do with the information/reports?
Leadership and Governance Activity: How could you encourage similar outcomes to the UCCCfS in your institution?
Leadership and Governance Questions? Jamie Pearson Sarah Lee
‘Aha’ moments Structure and reporting has helped Scottish institutions focus their activity – break down silos Reporting sector progress to SFC and Scottish Government has been a driver for change Leadership and Governance