CONFLICT in Literature Objective: Students will be able to identify conflict in literature Do you know what conflict means? Can you think of any synonyms for conflict?
Definitions Conflict drama between two opposing forces in a piece of literature. Synonyms include disagreement, argument, misunderstanding, fight, struggle Protagonist the leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work. (Think: “Pro” as in “protector” or “pro” as in “pros and cons” or Pro” as “professional”, all these are positive) Antagonist The character who opposes the hero, or protagonist. The antagonist, when there is one, provides the story’s conflict. (Think: “Anti” = against, or fiery, biting red, “ants” that irritate)
Who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist in this example?
Who is the antagonist and who is the protagonist in this scene?
What kind of conflict is taking place here? Who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist?
Q: In the short story The Somebody, who was the Protagonist? A: Chato Antagonist? A: varies Q: In the same story, what was the conflict?
There are 2 (or more) answers! One conflict is between Chato de Shamrock and the members of The Sierra gang. Explanation: Chato is the final remaining member of his gang, a rival of the Sierra Another conflict is internal; Chato vs. himself. Explanation: Although there are some characters who’d like to befriend him (i.e. “Crusader Rabbit,” Chato perfers to remain a “loner.”
Additional Possible Answers: External Conflict: Chato vs. Society Refusing to change and try to adapt to new circumstances, Chato is in conflict with society as a whole when he refuses to conform to social norms such as attending school External Conflict: Chato vs. – His family (ironic, because he seems to display similiarly stubborn characteristics of his father) – - Mr. Calderon– Doesn’t want to hear what the Boys’ Club Director has to say about accepting change and attempting to make new friends -
External and Internal Conflict There are two (2) categories of conflict, External and Internal. External Conflict is a struggle between the protagonist and an outside force. The outside force is trying to stop the hero from doing something. Internal Conflict is a struggle that takes place inside a character’s mind.
STOP … THINK … WRITE Synthesize Your Understanding….. Based on what you’ve learned so far about characters and conflict, answer these questions in your notebook: 1)In your opinion, which character is easier to spot normally, the protagonist or the antagonist? Explain using an example if possible. 2.) In your opinion, which type of conflict is easier to identify normally, external or internal conflict? Explain using and example if possible.
External Conflict Person vs. Person Person vs. Nature Person vs. Society Internal Conflict Person vs. Self
Conflict’s Purpose