AGENDA Warm Up/Share-Out Genre snapshot: Realistic Fiction Discussion African American Literature Mini author study
WARM UP JOURNAL Read Aloud: Sometimes Smart is Good Respond: When might you use such a book in your classroom?
REALISTIC FICTION Relatable, identifiable “snapshot of society” Controversy: some realities are harsher. What do you think? Categories: Animals, Humor, Mysteries, Problem Novels, School & Family, Series, Sports, Survival and Adventure
DISCUSSION: GET INTO EXPERT GROUPS 1+6- Define social conscience books 2+7- Define melting pot books 3,4, +5 Define culturally conscious books
REFLECTIONS ON AFRICAN AMERICAN LITERATURE p.12 Why is the role of African American literature, according to Bishop? How might we apply this to other cultures? “Assuredly, African American children’s literature will continue to evolve and change as American society changes. It appears to have been created to tell stories that have not been told before, stories that need to be told.”
BOOK SORT Choose one book and identify which category it fits into: social conscience, melting pot, or culturally conscious and explain why How does this relate to Realistic Fiction?
MINI AUTHOR STUDY e-2-realistic-fiction/