Sierra Fire Protection District Washoe County Sierra Fire Protection District
Table of Contents History, Boundaries and Origin Service areas and coverage Operational/Fiscal Challenges Current planning processes Objective: JFAB input on Sierra Fire Protection District overview and challenges
Sierra Fire Protection District History 1950 Created by Nevada State Legislature 2006 Washoe County assumes control via interlocal agreement 2007 NRS 473 operated by Nevada Division of Forestry NRS 474 governed by Washoe County 2008 Tax rate adjusted for District stabilization s District adds all risk services
Sierra Fire Protection District Communities North: Peavine and Cold Springs Northwest: Verdi Central: Saint James Village Galena/Mount Rose Corridor Arrowcreek South: West Washoe Valley Sierra Fire Protection District Service Areas
Sierra Fire Protection District Peavine & Cold Springs Total Square Miles SFPD Square Miles 6.15 Closest SFPD Station Verdi Annual Responses 31 VFD Service Peavine Total Square Miles 66.5 SFPD Square Miles.097 Closest SFPD Station Verdi Annual Responses 21 VFD Service Cold Springs ColdSpringsPopulation 2% SFPD Population Reno/TMFPD population 98%
Sierra Fire Protection District Verdi Total Square Miles SFPD Square Miles Closest SFPD Station Verdi Annual Responses 474 VFD Service Verdi
Sierra Fire Protection District Mount Rose TMFPD and SFPD both have stations that serve the area along with Galena VFD. Total Square Miles SFPD Square Miles Closest SFPD Station Mount Rose Annual Responses 715 VFD Service Galena
Sierra Fire Protection District Washoe Valley Total Square Miles SFPD Square Miles 8.5 Closest SFPD Station Bowers Annual Responses 191 VFD Service Washoe
Sierra Fire Protection District Sierra Fire District Truckee Meadows Fire District new station Arrowcreek Station
Sierra Fire Protection District Financial Projections prior to tax increase * * Chart from May 13, 2008 SFPD Budget Presentation prior to establishing the new.52 cent tax rate and finding a regional long term solution. Unless an alternative is found, service levels will need to be cut by 2009
Sierra Fire Protection District Financial Projection Unless a long term solution is found, service levels will need to be cut by mid 2011.
Sierra Fire Protection District Board Approved 2008 Evaluation Parameters Currently Long Term options Service Future Evaluation Seven minute initial response to SFPD EMS and Fire incidents 90% of the time Secondary response of firefighters within eight minutes of initial engine Paramedic service within response time criteria in REMSA best effort zonesx Continue development of the role of volunteersx Fuels Management program mitigating identified hazardsx Community Partnerships for fire and EMS prevention programsx Fiscal Able to pay all salary and benefits costsx Able to pay regional parity costsx Able to pay for planned capitol equipment costs Able to pay for needed fire stationsx Able to pay for wild land costsx Reserve funds for unanticipated expenditures Capable of long term viability Governance Issues Elected officials determine and monitor service levelsx Positive impact on other fire service entities in the Countyx
Sierra Fire Protection District Strengths Paramedic level EMS delivery REMSA minute or best effort zones Highest level of pre-hospital care Fuels Management Cooperative agreement with TMFPD People Experienced and competent staff and volunteers Community outreach and support Community service programs Grant funded station that will provide regional benefits
Sierra Fire Protection District Challenges Financial Sustainability potential need to reduce service levels Facilities and Apparatus Limited funding for facilities and apparatus Depth of Resources Station locations Dependence upon Reno/TMFPD for resources Equalization of Service between TMFPD and SFPD Annexation Loss of property tax revenue
Sierra Fire Protection District Opportunities Development of long term solutions that equalizes service between SFPD, TMFPD and Reno with response times and depth of resources Joint Fire Advisory Board Community input on staffing Arrowcreek Master planning process EMS system review Reno standard of cover Integration of existing SOC with Reno that equalizes service between areas
Sierra Fire Protection District Questions ?