CLIMATE AND NERGY Paolo Ghisu Agriculture Programme Officer, ICTSD 24 JUNE 2015 | Ormea, Italy IPROMO – Food Security in Mountain Areas
CLIMATE AND NERGY Advancing sustainable development by adapting and reforming global trade rules and policies ICTSD - The International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development
CLIMATE AND NERGY Main activities: research, policy dialogues, news coverage of trade policies and negotiations Areas of work: Agricultural trade and food security Sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction in Africa and LDCs Innovation, technology and intellectual property Sustainable use of natural resources Climate change and sustainable energy Trade in services Trade law Periodicals (news reporting)
CLIMATE AND NERGY Adapting and reforming policies and rules affecting the trade of agricultural goods to improve food security, support environmental sustainability and enhance poverty reduction and rural development in the rural regions of the world. Examples: studies on agricultural subsidies; farm inputs (seeds and fertilizers); standards on agricultural products; legal protection systems of traditional knowledge – e.g. benefit sharing; sustainable management of food aid; climate change mitigation and adaptation; sustainable investment; etc.) Agriculture and food security programme
CLIMATE AND NERGY Three main areas of work: Global rules affecting agricultural trade: mainly WTO and climate change negotiations Regional trade rules and policies affecting agricultural trade: regional processes of trade integration and plurilateral trade negotiations (TPP, TTIP, etc.) National policies affecting agricultural trade, with a focus on major agricultural nations
CLIMATE AND NERGY Grazie mille for listening To know more about my work and publications visit: Contact details: