Presenters: A. Healy L. Johnson S. Moore Utilizing Behavioral Strategies
Activity At your tables are colored sheets of paper. Pick someone to scribe, go around table and identify the best teacher you ever had(K-college) name is not important, why they were the best. And what is one strategy that teacher used for classroom management. Scribe will do a quick share out in 5 min.
Group Activity
Designed to catch children misbehaving in order to issue punishments or Guidelines or standards that assist children in examining their behavior and how it effects themselves and others Classroom Rules
Classroom management is all the things a teacher does to organize students, space, time and materials so that student learning can take place.
Classroom Management … It’s different for EVERYONE!!! WHY? Teaching styles Personality/ Attitudes Student population Not all management strategies are effective for every teacher~ it’s not a one size fit all
Organize classrooms to prevent disruptive behavior Engage in proactive behaviors Teach appropriate behaviors Monitor own behaviors within classroom Effective Teachers
Why is Classroom Management Important? Satisfaction and enjoyment in teaching are dependent upon leading students to cooperate Fosters student involvement and cooperation in all classroom activities Establishes a productive working environment. Builds feeling of community in the classroom
Steps To A Well-Managed Classroom Students are deeply involved with their work. Students know what is expected of them and are generally successful. There is relatively little wasted time, confusion, or disruption. The climate of the classroom is work-oriented but relaxed and pleasant.
Any behavior management book offering “sure-fire” or “quick-fix” strategies should be filed under “ fiction ”.
Building relationships with students is very important in the behavior management process! Here are three major times we can build relationships with our students: In class In School Outside of School “It’s All about Relationships”
Hammer, Hammer, Hammer, Hug PEP- Privacy, Eye Contact, Proximity “Hands in your Pocket” Making time for students Find the Leaders In Class
Greeting students at the door Student Cafeteria Recess Gym, Art Room, Music Room (Another Teacher’s Room) Outside of Class (In-School Building)
Live in the neighborhood? Evening Programs Sports Events/Extra-Curricular events Life Events Outside of the School
8 Simple Strategies STRATEGY #1 Meet & Greet
Proper Position to Greet Students
Classroom routines include: How students enter the room What they do immediately Room arrangement Where/when activities Where materials and supplies are kept When and how student movement is permitted What Does This Look Like in Class?
Your worst behaved student will have a perfect attendance record.
What Does This Look Like in Class? Become a facilitator Interact with students in proximity Teach from all points in the room
How to Avoid Bias? Understand bias Appropriate rapport Be friendly- don't be a friend Watch favoritism Make personal contact daily Don't set yourself up to be misunderstood
What does this look like in class? Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Then stop!
Power Struggles can’t last if you are not there! Hit and Run
One Final Thought… Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others: it is the only means. Albert Einstein
20 classroom tips for Creating a Safe Learning Environment- The Taming of the Crew by- Working Successfully with Difficult Students by Brian Mendler Discipline with Dignity- New Challenges New Solutions by Curwin, Mendler& Mendler Resources