ACRIS e-Recording for Portal Companies Next Steps September 4, /4/2013
Topics Significant Decisions Made High Level Timeline Questions and Comments on Guides 39/4/2013
Significant Decisions Made Data Currently Collected by Cover Page is Required Existing Services / Existing Model will be Extended Solution will be Common for All Portal Companies Tax Form Creation via Web Services Optional -Tax Trans ID Required for Transfers (Deeds, etc.) -While Optional, Tax Form Creation via Web Services is not recommended for the first phase due to timeline / resource constraints ACH is not currently available, but is being considered. Echeck payment for multiple transactions is supported. Payment can be made any time of the day. Transactions will not be recorded until paid in full. Electronic Submissions will be Performed under Portal Company Account and not under an individual’s Customer Account. 49/4/2013
High Level Timeline Start Dates ofEtaxCoverPageWsEpaymentsWsEsubmission Environment for Dev / Test8/12/2013 (current service) TBD (no later than alpha deploy) Initial Design8/8/20138/9/20138/5/2013 Draft Specification8/12/2013 8/7/2013 Specification Public Review8/23/2013 Finalize Specificiation8/30/2013 Release Specification / Guide9/6/2013 Development8/26/2013 Alpha Deploy9/20/2013 System Integration Testing9/23/2013 Beta Deploy10/4/2013 Second Beta / Release Candidate Deploy10/11/2013 User Acceptance Testing10/14/2013 Third Beta DeployTBD (as needed) Performance Testing10/28/2013 Deployment11/4/2013 EtaxCoverPageWs EsubmissionWsEpaymentsWs Portal Companies 59/4/2013
ETaxCoverPage WS ESubmission WS EPayments WS Start Get relevant ACRIS Control information for XML creation GetBBL OR GetAddress Create XML Sync Submission ? GetTransactionStatus GetStatusSubmitXMLData SubmitXMLAndGetPDFForms City Register Office IsDocumentReadyForPDFUpload Is Document Ready? GetUploadChecklistUploadPDF All PDFs Uploaded ? Preview Yes No Yes Create Another Doc? ESubmit Yes No GetAmountDue GetRecording AndEndorsement CoverPage Stop GetCPDocPaymentDetail GetConvenienceFee E-Check Payment? PayByCheck PayByCreditCard GetPaymentStatusByTrackerID OR GetPaymentStatusByACRISTransactionNbr CP Transact- ion Accepted ? Has CP Transaction been paid on time? Yes Reject CP Transaction No Resubmission New Doc Submission Yes No 9/4/20136
Open Discussion & Notes The following items / issues were discussed 8/28/2013 Can a lump sum ePayment be made without identifying the transaction numbers with DOF applying the money as needed? No. Specific transaction numbers must be identified. Can you make an ePayment after 5 pm? Yes. If the documents in the transaction have all been examined and deemed acceptable for recording, they will be recorded as soon as payment is received, whenever payment is received. What happens if a transaction is underpaid? Underpayment should not happen on an initial eSubmission as ePayment requires full payment of the amount due on a transaction – it does not allow a partial payment. If a document is rejected and upon re-submission an additional amount is due, payment can be made within the payment window. 79/4/2013
Open Discussion & Notes The following items / issues were discussed 8/28/2013 On the flowchart, what is the Sync Submission box? ACRIS provides two options for XML submission: Synchronous and Asynchronous. Synchronous provides real time validation and processing of the submission while Asynchronous stores the submission in the system for delayed processing (approximately 30 minutes). For a portal company, Synchronous submission may be the better option. On the flowchart, what is the purpose of the Preview box? Preview allows the user to see what the entire document package looks like including the generated cover pages. It allows the use to verify that they have uploaded the correct PDFs and that everything is in the correct sequence. Why wasn’t an URL provided for the ESubmission web service? URLs were only provided for currently available production web services. DOF still needs to develop the ESubmission web service. 89/4/2013
Open Discussion & Notes The following items / issues were discussed 8/28/2013 Are multiple NYC.ID accounts needed? No. each portal company needs only a single NYC.ID account. Are multiple customer profiles needed? No. You may find one profile satisfactory to meet your needs. While you may do so to segregate transactions for each of your customers, you can only aggregate transactions for ePayment within a customer profile. Why can’t you ESubmit tax forms? Tax forms once created must be brought into a Cover Page. The Cover Page including the tax forms is then ESubmitted. 99/4/2013
Open Discussion & Notes The following items / issues were discussed 9/4/2013 Comments and Questions on Specification Documents will be given to DOF by the close of business Friday 9/6. Based on review, the expectation is that we will have a call to review comments and question on Wednesday 9/10. There is a desire to understand how an eCheck is processed and what information is transmitted so accounting departments can reconcile. 109/4/2013