MoversSuite Claims – Best Practices
MoversSuite Claims
Claims – Best Practices Claim Alert Finding Information & Customization Claim Detail (Phone Numbers, , Dates) Claim Item (Damage Type/Denial Codes) Accounting Entries Tasks Notes Reports
Claim Alert The first person that is aware of a possible claim should enter a Claim Alert. This may be the salesperson, customer service, or dispatcher.
Claims - Find When opening the Claims Module, the Claims screen defaults to display all claims whereby the user logged into Mover’s Suite is the Claims Adjuster. To narrow or expand, the items displayed on this grid, Click Find.
Claims - Customization The Grid can be customized to re-order, hide/display, and sort information by columns as well as Export the information. The customizations are save when the user logs out.
Claim Detail Multiple phone numbers can be added, created from this screen and a host of dates can be entered.
Claim Item Damage Types, Denial Codes, Item Status can be setup specifically for your company.
Claims – Accounting Entries 1)Settlements – Used if paying the payee on the Claim or Vendor previously setup in Great Plains. 2)Chargeback/Liability – Used to record liability assigned to a participating party, chargeback driver or third party vendor entered in Revenue Transactions, or enter a company expense. 3)Receivable – Used to enter a positive or negative receivable associated to the settlement of the claim.
Claim - Tasks Task can be setup as a Task Definition or added manually when needed.
Claims- Notes All Notes for a specific order are visible in Claims and additional notes can be added.
Claims - Reports
Thank you for attending the Claims Best Practice Session