Traveling & Technology Music: Yael Naim
Studying Abroad & Traveling As a student who has studied abroad I was able to see how students use technology. Taking myself out of the picture I observed how traveling plans and technology were used. The only way students were able to plan their free travel in Europe was by using the internet. They had to look up everything in English and even use Skype which is through the internet to call and make reservation at their hotels or hostels. The internet was the only way students could connect with others, because most did not have cell phones. Even then people were still using technology to connect with others and plan their travels.
Austria Fussen, Germany Dachau Germany
How Students Used Technology Abroad Talking with several students who were on the Business Europe term I learned how they all used the internet for all of their plans. Students use the internet to make all their plans. 100% of them used technology to plan their travels. There was no other way to check out hotels or even trains because they needed to read it in English and be able to check multiple countries. It was very interesting to realize how much the students relied on technology. Sites they used were, to plan all the travels across Europe. Many had families that came over and also used the internet to make their travel plans. A few worked through travel agents to help them figure out the plans for being over seas for the first time. It was an amazing amount of students who completely used the internet for all their travels.
Calling on the Computer & Where to find updated information Skype site
Skype We all love something for nothing. With Skype’s free software – by the way, it works seamlessly with your internet connection – you can chat away with free Skype-to-Skype calls and never worry about cost, time or distance. Share the love and get your friends to download Skype so you can talk, chat or make video calls for nothing. You can also make local, long distance and international calls to phones and cell phones at great rates too. ( So, what else can you do? Skype is jam-packed with great features to help you stay in touch with friends, family and co-workers, share your thoughts and views and find the information you need. You can use it on your computer and on both WiFi and cordless phones. Just for starters you can instant message with anyone on your contact list or even use group chat to chat with up to a hundred people. You could hold a conference call with up to nine other people to organise a get-together and then use SkypeFind™ to search for the perfect venue to hold it. There are also really cool video features. All you need is a webcam to make free video calls or even take photos of yourself to personalise Skype. - Travel Looking at I was able to find links to over 10 places within minutes of places to find travel accommodations on the internet. It is amazing how many different type of travel websites they endorsed. This website had plenty of helpful articles and they are always changing. It is a great way to read up on information on traveling.
What Does the.Gov Site Have to Say… This site gives information on what to bring, how to make travels faster and easier, health information, regulations, and how to use the phone you probably will never use after learning about Skype. Technology is allowing us to access unlimited information and ways to make our lives easier. I encourage you to use technology to save time and be able to search multiple sites for information on traveling. sites gives extensive information for those traveling outside the United States. Live life. Travel.
Make Your Dreams Come True. Travel. Hey check out my website for more information on traveling. The Travel Sources has more information and the videos I have linked are fun to watch too. Traveling & Technolohy