AASHTO & Federal Agency update IRWA – Seattle, WA Where Tradition and Transformation Converge
John P. Campbell P.E., MBA, SR/WA Director, Right of Way Division Texas Department of Transportation & Chairman, AASHTO Subcommittee on Right of Way and Utilities Where Tradition and Transformation Converge
progress Where Tradition and Transformation Converge “Where Tradition and Transformation Converge”
Quid nunc? Where Tradition and Transformation Converge
Buy America re: accommodation of utility facilities Where Tradition and Transformation Converge
Outdoor advertising: evolving nature of regulatory control by states
AASHTO resolution to expand membership – a home to HBA function Where Tradition and Transformation Converge
TRB partnership / outreach Where Tradition and Transformation Converge
The National Academies NAS – The National Academy of Science TRB – Transportation Research Board NCHRP – National Cooperative Highway Research Program AASHTO - sponsored research initiatives
AASHTO subcommittee work plan Where Tradition and Transformation Converge
Goals (5 years) Where Tradition and Transformation Converge
Expanded OUTREACH Partners NETWORKING Professional EDUCATION Where Tradition and Transformation Converge