DEPT Spectra COSY Spectra HETCOR Spectra
DEPT-90, DEPT-135 Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer Preferred procedure for determining # protons attached to carbons Variable proton pulse angle is set at 90 o and 135 o In DEPT-90, only CH shows. In DEPT-135, CH 2 ’s are phased down, CH and CH 3 are phased up
Adjustment of 1 H pulse angle Avoids overlapping multiplets
2-Heptanone, CPD and DEPT-35
6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-ol Standard CPD Spectrum
DEPT-90 DEPT-135
Ipsenol CPD, DEPT-135, DEPT 90
Correlated Spectroscopy
FT of the t 1 domain, acetone
A-B coupling in COSY Spectrum
Isobutyl Alcohol
1 H NMR Spectrum of Ipsenol
COSY Spectra of Ipsenol
HETCOR Spctrum of Ipsenol