The EU is often viewed as being -… too much… * -… not enough… *
The EU seems to have developed an « à la carte » logic of adhesion
the electoral democracies were not government by, of or for the people. Is representative democracy -the government by the people ? -the government of the people? -the government for the people?
The EU Constitution: refused by peoples… then voted by Parliaments. The Treaty of Lisbon: refused by the Irish voters… then re-voted during the crisis…
« The last 3-5 years has seen a growth in populist movements across Europe. In contrast to previous years, these movements are characterised by a) greater co-ordination across national borders; b) a focus on values (sometimes traditionally left wing values) and xenophobia rather than race; and c) emphasis on local activism and street demonstrations in addition to traditional electoral politics. » Source: ightineurope
Identify the right-wing populist parties’ ideas: -Immigrants = danger -Immigrants = necessity -Immigrants = opportunity -Globalization = evil -Globalization = great -EU = danger -EU = equality and rights -Political strength = uncontested leadership -Political strength = respected pluralism -Roma people = not integrable at all -Roma people = integrable « on condition »
Do yout think that Europe's far-right movements will or won't flourish in 2014?
Here are some examples of EU laws that have been repealed or that are still implemented…
From the size of tomatoes to the banning of curve cucumbers and bananas, the EU tends to standardize every sector and product, in the name of « free competition », but regardless of the employment situation, of the cultural & biological diversity… What can’t children under 8 do in the EU? Blow up balloons without adult supervision? Drink sodas even for a birthday? Write a poem about love? Blow up balloons without adult supervision
The « detached workers »… Foreign EU employees who are sent by their employer to work temporarily in another EU country? Foreign EU employees who are paid a lower wage to work temporarily in another EU country? Foreign EU employees who are paid to work temporarily in another EU country without benefiting from the new country’s social and healthcare standards? ALL ANSWERS ARE RIGHT
"Toys and activities, such as blowing up balloons, are part and parcel of children's play that helps them become independent and self-reliant*," one sociologist complained to the Telegraph. "These bans diminish the experience, both of having fun and learning, by turning play into a danger zone with rules that stifle* life and adventure for children." Source: cant-blow-up-balloons.htmlhttp:// cant-blow-up-balloons.html Discuss this issue -is the banning of blowing up balloons under 8 a safety measure? -is the sociologist right in his arguments? *Self-reliant = independent, not needing others *To stifle = to suffocate / to provoke suffocation
ROMA PEOPLE IN THE EU A SPECIFIC CULTURE -Women can’t stay at home after delivery (blood impurity) -A language that has crossed the centuries -A mixture of dominant religion + hindu traditions -A shadow economy for the household -A creative folk and circus art -A sense of the family which avoids individualism -A sense of brotherhood with some clanic ties -A series of magical superstitions (divination, clairvoyance, sight- seeing women)
REUTERS, Feb. 13th, 2014 « France alone sent 1,600 troops to the large landlocked country of Central African Republic in December 2013 to assist some 5,000 African Union peacekeepers. In response to repeated appeals by President Francois Hollande for more European support, the 28-nation EU has acted unusually quickly to put together a military force, although it will be small (500 militaries) and may include some other French soldiers. EU officials hope the first European soldiers could start arriving in Bangui next month. »
a http://euroland.eklablog.com/scottish-independence-sept a