Chapter 15 Section 1 Part 2
How did the pope obtain the Papal States? Pepin defeated the Lombards, who has threatened the pope. Pepin donated the lands he acquired in this victory to the pope, who then ruled the lands as if he were king.
The Rise of the Catholic Church Religion played an important role in shaping life in Europe. By the time the Western Roman Empire collapsed, Christianity had become the official religion of Rome. The only place that was not yet Christian was Ireland A priest named Patrick traveled to Ireland to spread Christianity.
Gregory the Great Pope Gregory the Great was pope from A.D. 590 to A.D He asked monks to become missionaries. Gregory’s monks converted many people to Christianity. Monks and monasteries played an important role in education, health care, and the preservation of knowledge. Later, they played an important role in Europe’s politics.
In 1073, Gregory VII was elected pope. He issued a decree forbidding kings from appointing high-ranking Church officials. Henry IV, the Holy Roman Emperor, refused to obey. Henry declared that Gregory was no longer pope. Gregory excommunicated Henry, excluding him from church membership. German nobles chose a new emperor, Gregory accepted him & Henry declared war against Gregory.
In 1122, a new emperor and a new pope made an agreement called the Concordat of Worms. They agreed that only the pope could choose bishops, and only the emperor could give them jobs in government. The Catholic Church became very powerful under Pope Innocent III. He controlled kings by threatening to withhold Christian rituals such as communion from a king or a country’s people.
So what? What is important to understand about this? The Concordant of Worms: an agreement was made between the pope and the ruler of a country- Only the pope could appoint bishops, but the emperor could give them jobs in the government. Power in Europe Is about … Who controlled the power in Europe-the king or the pope? Main idea Pope Gregory VII The Pope claimed he could crown the king. Pope Gregory VII wanted nobles and kings to stop interfering in Church affairs He issued a decree the forbid kings to appoint high-ranking Church officials Pope Gregory VII excommunicated Henry VI Main idea Henry IV Kings wanted Church leaders to obey them Henry refused to obey Gregory’s decree Henry went to war and named a new pope.