Overview RAI / MDS Presented by Leatrice Coffin BSN, RN MDS Education Coordinator
RAI Consist of: MDS, Resident Assessment Consist of: MDS, Resident Assessment Protocols (RAPs) & Utilization Guidelines Protocols (RAPs) & Utilization Guidelines Comprehensive assessment process Comprehensive assessment process
RAI The Minimum Data Set (MDS) The Minimum Data Set (MDS) Clinical / functional assessment Clinical / functional assessment Over 600 items Over 600 items
RAI Facilities are required to use a Resident Facilities are required to use a Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) Assessment Instrument (RAI) This instrument gives attention to quality- This instrument gives attention to quality- of-care & quality-of life issues. of-care & quality-of life issues.
9 Federal MDS Tags F272 Resident assessment using the RAI F272 Resident assessment using the RAI The facility must conduct initially & periodically a comprehensive, accurate, standardized reproducible assessment of each residents functional capacity. The facility must conduct initially & periodically a comprehensive, accurate, standardized reproducible assessment of each residents functional capacity.
9 Federal MDS Tags F273 Admission Assessment When required, a facility must conduct a comprehensive assessment of a resident 14 calendar days after admission Excluding readmission in which there is no SCSA
9 Federal MDS Tags F274 Significant Change in Status Assessment F274 Significant Change in Status Assessment No later than 14 days after determining a SCSA has occurred Major change, impacts more than 1 area of health, care plan changes
9 Federal MDS Tags F275 Annual assessment F275 Annual assessment Must be completed not less than once every 12 months (VB2 date) No more than 92 days from prior quarterly (R2b date)
9 Federal MDS Tags F276 Quarterly Assessment 92 days from one R2b to the next R2b date Tracks residents status between comprehensive assessments Monitors gradual onset of a resident change
9 Federal MDS Tags F278 Accuracy of assessments The assessment must accurately reflect the residents status Assessment must be done by the appropriate, qualified health professional Ongoing assessment of resident progress
9 Federal MDS Tags F279 Comprehensive Care Plans F279 Comprehensive Care Plans Facilities must use the results of the assessment to develop, review, and revise the residents comprehensive plan of care Completed 21 days after admission
9 Federal MDS Tags F286 Maintain 15 months of MDS data A facility must maintain all resident assessments completed within the previous 15 months in the residents active record This applies regardless to form of storage
9 Federal MDS Tags F287 Encoding & transmitting the MDS F287 Encoding & transmitting the MDS A facility must electronically transmit, at least monthly, encoded, accurate, complete MDS data to the State for all assessments conducted during the previous month
Contact Information Leatrice Coffin Leatrice Coffin MDS Education Coordinator MDS Education Coordinator Patti Gregg Patti Gregg MDS Automation Coordinator MDS Automation Coordinator
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