Qualitative – Examples: Quantitative – Example: (QUALITY) Descriptive analysis, no numbers Nail lab, chromatography lab candle lab (QUANTITY) measurement, requires a NUMBER and a UNIT Mass (g), Length (cm), Volume (ml or cm 3 ) Chapter 2: Measurement
Precision- Accuracy – Dart throwing examples: How close lab measurements of the same item are to each other How close a lab measurement is to the true value. Precise but not accurate Accurate & PreciseNot Accurate or Precise Precision and Accuracy
Based on the number _______ The International System of Units - _____ 10 SI Metric System
(symbol)(Value) Mega ---- Kilo Hecto Deka Base Units deci centi mili ---- micro M1,000,000; 1,000,000 bigger K 1000; 1000 times bigger c d m gram (g), meter (m), liter (l) H D u ; 100 times bigger 10; 10 times bigger 0.1; 1/10; 10 times smaller 0.01; 1/100; 100 times smaller 0.001; 1/1000; 1000 times smaller ; 1/ ; times smaller Metric System Increments
M - - King Henry Drinks Basically delicious chocolate milk - - u Examples: 1)50.0g = _______ mg4) 2359ug = _________g 2)250L = ________KL 5) 5ML = _________L 3) Km = _______m6) 87dm = ________Km (Worksheet and activity on the Metric System) egaega iloilo ectoecto ekaeka asease ecieci entienti iliili icroicro 50, ,000, Metric Conversions
Place value QuantityUnitSymbolInstrumentread to Length Volume Mass Temperature meter cm 3 = L x W x H liter grams Celsius m, cm ruler 0.01cm ruler 0.01cm L, ml Graduated cylinder 10ml = 0.01ml 100ml = 0.1ml gbalance 0.01g C thermometer0.5 C Instruments used for measuring
Length – Area – (Length Experiment and Area and Volume Calculations) Direct measurement. (ruler) Calculated measurement Area = Length x width = cm 2 Example: Find the area of your desk. L = ________; W = ________ ________ x ________ = _________ Distance
Direct Measurement – Meniscus – Calculated Volume – Example: Using a graduated cylinder Used to measure liquids. Used to measure granular solids like sugar. Lowest point of the curve where you read the volume of a liquid in a graduated cylinder Using a ruler. Length x width x height Used for regularly shaped objects: cubes, etc. Units = meters cubed meniscus Volume = 2.2ml Calculate the volume of your desk top. L = _______; W = _________; H = ________ Volume
Water displacement – Example: Amount of water + object = ________ml Amount of water before = - ________ml Volume of object = ________ml Used to measure irregularly shaped objects Volume continued Interesting Fact: 1mL = 1cm 3 = 1g H 2 O
Story of the king’s crown – was it gold or was it fake? Problem: I have a lump of yellowish, metallic looking stuff; how do I figure out what it is? Density is a ratio of the ________ to the ________ of an object. massvolume Weight it Mass10.00g Volume 100.0ml Water displacement 10g/100ml = 0.1g/ml D = M/V Density Look it up Density
Density is the __________ of the __________ to the ____________of an object. Units for density: or Density is a _________________ _______________ that does not change for any one element. Formula for density: (Density worksheet and lab) ratiomass volume g/ml g/cm 3 physicalproperty DV M Density = mass/ volume To use the triangle cover up what you are solving for and the formula is what is left.