What can you do when there is nothing you can do! Jessica Wang
# Introduction 1:1 King Xerxes: Ruler over 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia.
# 1:5… the king gave a banquet for all the people in the capital city of Susa, rich and poor….
# 1:10 on the seventh day the King was feeling happy……….
# 1:11 He ordered them to bring in Queen Vashti wearing her royal crown.
# 1:12 she refused to come and this made the King and his court furious.
# 1:14The King called for his experts on Law and Order
# 1:19….they suggested that Vashti should never again appear to the King and give her place as queen to some better woman.
# 2:2 The King’s close advisors said to him, “Why don’t you make a search to find some beautiful young virgins and bring them here to Susa.
# 2:4Then take the young woman you like the best and make her queen in Vashti’s place.
# 2:5In the city was a Jew named Mordecai
# 2:7He had a cousin, Esther, who was beautiful and had a good figure
#. Mordecai had taken care of her after her parents died, but always told Esther not to say to anyone that she was a Jew.
# 2:8Esther was one of those chosen to come to the palace to meet the King. She found favor with all who were in charge.
# 2:17Esther was brought to the King and she won his favor and affection. He placed a crown on her head and made her queen.
# 2:19Mordecai was appointed to an administrative position
# 2:22Mordecai hears of a plot to assassinate the King and tells Esther. She then tells the King.
# 2:23Those who plotted against the King were hanged and an account of this was recorded.
# 3:1King Xerxes promoted a man called Haman to the position of Prime Minister.
# 3:2The King ordered all officials in his service to respect Haman by kneeling and bowing to him. They all did except Mordecai, who refused.
# 3:3The officials then asked him why he was disobeying the King’ command.
# 3:4“I am a Jew” he explained, “and I am cannot bow to Haman.”….so they told Haman about this.
# 3:5Haman was so furious that he vowed to kill all the Jews in the whole Persian Empire.
# 3:8Haman told the King that there was a certain race of people all over his empire and that
# they won’t obey the laws of the empire, so it is not in his best interest to tolerate them.
# 3:9Haman told the King that if it pleased him, issue a decree that they are to be put to death
# 3:11The King told Haman that the people and their money would be his. He told Haman to do what he wanted with them.
# 4:1When Mordecai learned about all that had been done, he tore his clothes in anguish.
# 4:3After the proclamatio n, the Jews fasted, wept, wailed and lay in ashes.
# 4:5When Esther heard about Mordecai’s weeping, she sent for her servant to go to Mordecai and find out the trouble.
# 4:7Mordecai told the servant how much money Haman promised the King’s treasury if all the Jews were killed and all their property taken.
# 4:8Mordecai asked the servant to go back to Esther and explain the
# situation asking her to plead with the King to have mercy on her people.
# 4:11 If anyone goes to the inner courtyard and sees the king without being summoned, that person must die.
# 4:15Esther (through the servant) told Mordecai to gather all the Jews
# together to fast and pray for 3 days and said, my women and I will do the same …….
# If I must die for doing it I will die.
# Define the problem Trust in God Take the risk
# Haman was hung from the gallows that he prepared for Mordecia.
# Mordecia went out dressed in the royal robes, and the whole city came alive with rejoicing and celebration.