The Tower of London through the centuries
“Symbol of the power, a fortress for the defense, and a prison for the enemies" (Fisher, 1987)
The founder of the Tower William the Conqueror
The Tower was used in many functions: - As the prison ; - As the home of the kings ; - As the fortress : - As the zoo ; - As the museum ;
The White Tower
The White Tower
Who was a real founder of the White Tower? William Shakespeare in his play started that the White Tower built By Julius Caesar. But… These claims are FALS!
The King Henry III - H- He made this tower his home; -b-built the Lion Tower and the zoo
Armour of the Earl of Worcester on display in the White House
Armors and Models of royal horses, the White House
The Crown Jewels There are some famous crowns: St. Edward's crown Imperial StateCrown Queen Mother's Crown
This man could rob the White Tower, but he was punished for that. Colonel Thomas Blood
Tower consists of some more towers, here are some of them:
The king Henry VII The Garden Tower Years later… The Bloody Tower
The Princes in the Tower King Edward V and the Duke of York in the Tower of London
The Bell Tower The places of imprisonment: The Salt Tower
The Bell Tower The main prisoners of this Tower: Saint Thomas MoreThe Queen Elizabeth I
The Salt Tower -b-built by Henry III; - was used as a prison for Jesuits
The Tower of London is reputedly the most haunted building in England. The ghost of Queen Ann Boleyn has allegedly been seen haunting the chapel Of St Peter-ad-Vincula.
Henry VIII Ann Boleyn
Tower William the Conquere Henry III Henry VII - Founder Of the Tower -b-built the Lion Tower and most of the towers; - zoo -I-Introduced the guards of the Tower; - The well known ravens; -C-Changed some name of the towers
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