2 2 Content 1.Context 2.Focus for SITA as a PSI 3.SITA’s Service Strategy 4.SITA’s generic service standard per tier 5.Services currently managed by SITA through SLAs 6.DCS IT environment 7.Outstanding issues between SITA and DCS 8.Other IT issues
3 3 CONTEXT SITA is in the 3rd Year and final year of implementing its Turn-Around Strategy During this Turn-Around period, SITA sought to re-position itself as a Prime Systems Integrator for the public service in line with its mandate Through this re-positioning, SITA is now more geared to bring value for money to the business of government through the use of information technology. The following issues were raised by SCOPA in November 2011: DCS LAN Infrastructure, Unstable , VPN, SITA –DCS relationship. The DCS-SITA relationship has improved, weekly meetings are held with DCS to monitor the progress of these projects. LAN Infrastructure: 1 st phase to be completed by end June 2012 VPN : Migration to be completed February 2013 DCS has been stabilised and will improve post VPN Migration 3
4 4 FOCUS FOR SITA AS A PRIME SYSTEMS INTEGRATOR (PSI) 1.Reduce the cost of doing business with government 2.Enable the public service to serve the citizens faster and better 3.Enable convenience to the citizens through e-services 4.Enable the fight against corruption and improve public sector accountability 5.Contribute towards job creation through supporting the growth of an indigenous ICT industry 4
5 5 SITA SERVICE STRATEGY SITA has adopted a Service Strategy that seeks to improve the management of SITA services by clients In terms of this Service Strategy all SITA services are graded in tiers with service performance standards of each tier. The service tiers range from bronze to platinum services However due to the nature of certain services, some services are only provided only from gold service level The service tier chosen determines the price of the service offering Each service tier has its service performance level 5
6 6 SITA GENERIC SERVICE STANDARDS PER TIER Service GradeGeneric Service Standard Platinum Desktop & Hardware Support / Cabling Maintenance & Management / Incident Resolution 95% of calls will be resolved within resolution times rolled up across all priorities as follows: Critical: 4 Hrs (24 x 7) High: 6 Hrs (Normal Business Hours) Medium: 10 Hrs (Normal Business Hours) Low: 24 Hrs (Normal Business Hours) Server & Unified Communications Support Services Minimum of 98% average availability of Servers. Backup Services Minimum average of 95% availability of onsite backup services Average of 95% successful backups Implementation Services 100% delivery as per agreed project plans Switch Support Services Minimum of 98% average availability of switches Configuration Management Monthly and Quarterly report on all contracted infrastructure NB: Each of the SITA services has a specific service standard 6
7 7 SITA GENERIC SERVICE STANDARDS PER TIER Service GradeGeneric Service Standard Gold Dedicated VPN services 99% Carrier Provider Availability 99% Carrier Provider Reachability 95% of calls will be responded to within response times rolled up across all priorities as follows: Critical: 2 Hrs High: 2 Hrs Medium: 2 Hrs Low: 2 Hrs Access link infrastructure 97% Access Link Availability 97% Access Link Reachability 95% of calls will be responded to within response times rolled up across all priorities as follows: Critical: 8 Hrs High: 8 Hrs Medium: 8 Hrs Low: 8 Hrs Silver Bronze NB: Each of the SITA services has a specific service standard 7
8 8 SERVICES CURRENTLY MANAGED BY SITA THROUGH SLAs All the DCS/ SITA SLAs (service level agreements) have been signed and negotiations are underway to renew the underpinning Business Agreement. WAN and Internet – Provide network connectivity services including access to internet Mainframe Hosting – provide DCS with access to and migration of the transversal systems, i.e.: BAS, Persal and LOGIS on the mainframe Application Server Housing – provide location for the DCS application servers, Department remains responsible for the maintenance of the servers. Decentralised Support Services - provide the local area network maintenance services for DCS including all ICT devices in 120 Plein Street. DCS has requested a reduction of scope for this service because it will be covered on the VPN. Annual Software Licence Renewals – provide for annual renewal of licenses
9 9 DCS IT ENVIRONMENT The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) has been experiencing problems with its IT infrastructure, which resulted in the following: Continuously unavailable services Very slow network SITA conducted a high level assessment of the existing IT infrastructure and services in order to propose a viable and cost effective solution to address the existing problems. As a result of the assessment, SITA provided DCS with the following proposals: hosting Virtual Private Network (VPN) The DCS opted to stabilize the services internally as SITA sorts out the network services through the deployment of the VPN Agreement between SITA and DCS is that upon the improvement of the network services through the VPN, SITA will propose additional mechanisms to optimise the applications and services DCS is embarking on a 3-Year Infrastructure Upgrade Programme that will include cabling of correctional services centres, upgrade of server rooms and network Switches, and telephony. In order to eliminate delays through procurement processes, SITA is in the process of establishing a DCS infrastructure upgrade specific contract which will shorten the procurement processes for this programme. At present, service providers were appointed to network 3 centres in the Western Cape – to be completed by end June 2012 and additional 2 centres (EC and FS) will be completed in July 2012.
10 Outstanding Issues Between SITA and DCS DCS still owes SITA R47 million for the past financial years – a task team has been established within to reconcile the outstanding amounts in order to facilitate payments SITA must finalise penalties and service matrices with National Treasury on transversal systems and thereafter incorporate into the DCS transversal systems SLAs The acceptance of the close-out of the Remand, Detainee and Offender Management System (RDOMS) is still outstanding from the DCS. The RDOMS is part of the IJS project and the SAPS intend to publish their own Detention Management System which will lead to duplication and none integration of systems within the IJS. Payment for services rendered for the development of the EDRMS (Electronic Document and Record Management System) is also outstanding since February The DCS opted to proceed with the project without SITA but did not pay for the services rendered by SITA. Discussions are underway between SITA and DCS to resolve the payments disputes on the Lesedi and CPLMS (Cluster and Parliamentary Liaison Management System)
11 OTHER IT ISSUES DCS has not been fully utilising SITA for its IT services and therefore there are areas which are currently not part of the scope. Since late 2011, SITA has been working with DCS in incorporating some of those areas in the SITA scope of work but not all areas have been covered to date
12 Thank You