Gabriella B Mrs.Damico E.P Ancient Egypt
King Tut King Tutankhamen also known as king tut, was an Egyptian pharaoh of the 18 dynasty. King Tut became a mummy when he died, Carter found Tut with his body perfectly preserved. Tut was one of the youngest Pharos at the age of 10. King Tut's body still rests in his tomb in the valley of the kings. King tut died at the age of 18.
How to become a Mummy Here are 4 steps to become a mummy Step 1: First wash the body and lay it on a table. Step 2: Then put a hook In the persons nose and pull out the brain. You then throw out the Brain and slice the body open removing the organs. Step 3 : Put the organs in a preserved jar. The heart will remain in the body because it's important in the journey to the underworld. The body will then be packed with a salt called natron and left in a corpse for 40 days. Step 4: Finally scoop out the salt and add spices, rags, and plants. The corpse is then wrapped in layers of linen. And to finish it off a priest may give the body magic to protect it in the afterlife.
Hieroglyphics Hieroglyphics were an early form of writing in ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptians combined logographic and alphabetic elements. Egyptians uses cursive hieroglyphics for religious literature on wood and papyrus. Hieratic and demotic forms of hieroglyphics are not considered true hieroglyphics.
Hieroglyphics The picture shown is a form of Egyptian hieroglyphics
Egyptian Pyramids The earliest known pyramids are found in Saqqara. The ancient Egyptians made pyramids so they could put the tombs of their kings and queens. The pyramids were all shapes and sizes Their are 80 known ancient Egypt pyramids.
FUN FACTS Cleopatra was not Egyptian, she was actually Greek. The ancient Egyptians made one of the earliest peace treaties. The ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids were not slaves. A pharaoh would never let his hair be seen, he would always wear a crown. Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone. The Statue of Liberty was intended for Egypt. Ancient Egyptians shaved off their eyebrows to mourn for their cat.