Welcome to Pre-K Parent Orientation!
Pre-K Team Steven Seitz with Cindy Dameris Kara Johnson with Michelle Figueroa Faviola Vasquez with Iliana Luna Charmin McCune with Helene Auriemme
Office Staff Principal – Shawna Ballast Assistant Principal– Krista Wilson Counselor – Holly Hensley Nurse – Judy Fitzgerald PIEMS Clerk – Angela Medrano Campus Secretary – Rita Denteh
Attendance and Tardiness Morning Hours: 7:30 – 10:15 Afternoon Hours: 11:45-2:30 Your child will be counted tardy if he or she arrives after 7:30/11:45 Regular attendance is essential for success!
District Wide Absence and Tardy Procedures Per semester Absences: 3 – Skyward to generate letter 8 – Skyward to generate letter 10 – File with court – identified by pulling an absence occurrence report 12 - Skyward to generate letter Tardies: 3 – Skyward to generate letter 9 – Skyward to generate letter 12 - File with court – identified by pulling an absence occurrence report
Ready Rosie is a free online resource for families. ONLINE REGISTRATION PAGE
Students may enter the building at 7:00 and 11:15 if they are eating a school breakfast/lunch. Students will not be supervised before those times. Do not leave your child unattended by an adult. *Students are encouraged to walk to the cafeteria by themselves. There will be teachers ready to assist them find the correct class table. *Please prepay for your child’s breakfast or lunch on the Wylie ISD website. Someone from the cafeteria should be available on Meet the Teacher night to assist in setting up an account. *Meals may also be paid for by cash or check. Please send all payments in a sealed, envelope with your child’s and the teacher’s name.
If your child is a car rider: Please have your Dismissal Tag visible from the rear view mirror. A Pre-K teacher or aide will walk your child to you. If your child needs assistance with his/her seatbelt, please pull into the parking lot. We are not allowed to buckle your child into his/her seat. It is very important to get your child through the car line quickly and safely. Teachers will not be able to speak with you about your child’s day during arrival and dismissal times. If there is something that you need to talk about with the teacher, please have a note ready to hand to the teacher, use or call the teacher’s voic . We will get back to you within 24 hours. Please keep emergency contact information up to date. Only people on the list are allowed to pick up your child. A written note is not enough! This needs to go through the office before we will release your child.
A.M. Dismissal Mr. Seitz and Mrs. Vasquez classes - Parents drive through the front office drop off line. We will bring your child to you. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. McCune classes - Parents drive through the staff parking lot to the small drive. Stay to the right of the driveway. We will bring your child to you. Daycare buses will be on the left. Please watch for children and teachers around the daycare buses as you pull in and out.
PM Dismissal All Pre-K Classes- Parents will stay in the left lane, the lane closest to the parking lot. This lane is for Pre-K student pick up only. We will bring your child to you. Parents that choose to walk up will wait at the Library door with the Dismissal Tag for their child. We will get 3-5 Tags at one time. We will bring your child to you.
Dismissal A written note is required if your child is going home a different way then usual. Please notify the office by phone before 9:30/1:00 of any changes. Unless notified by parent or guardian, your child’s teacher will follow usual going home procedures.
Independence We are working to develop independence in your child. After the second week of school, please drop off your child at the arrival door. Teachers will be there to guide your child to the cafeteria.
Daily Folders Please check for notes, papers, and work every day. The folder needs to be emptied every day and returned to school.
School Supplies Please do not label your child’s school supplies. Please bring the supplies during Meet the Teacher on Thursday, August 20 th from 4:00-6:00.
Extra Change of Clothes Please pack an extra change of clothes in a Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name for emergencies. These will be kept at school.
Medication The nurse will administer any and all medication to children, no exceptions! Please make sure you send the original bottle with the prescription affixed to it and directions clearly marked. Please let the nurse and teacher know of any medications your child is currently taking.
Sick Children Your child must stay home for at least 24 hours if they have had a fever or diarrhea. When your child has been absent, please provide a note stating the reason, sign and date. Please provide a a doctor’s note when possible.
Toys Toys of any kind are not permitted at school unless requested by teacher.
Report Cards Results from our Frog Street Assessment are sent home as testing is completed. This serves as our report card. This does not go home every nine weeks. Parent Teacher Conferences We will have designated Parent-Teacher Conferences in the fall. Sign up sheets will be sent home. You may request a Parent-Teacher Conference to discuss your child at any time throughout the year.
Discipline Any minor discipline issues will be addressed on the calendar located in the daily folder. A phone call or will be made or sent as needed. The office staff will become involved for extreme behavior issues. Please review this with your child every day.
Dress for the Weather We will have outside recess everyday weather permitting. Please dress your child accordingly. Please label all items with a permanent marker including backpack, jackets, hats, etc…
Safety Your child needs to know his/her full name as well as your name. This information is important for safety on and off campus. Shoes with a closed toe are the best for school due to wood chips on the playground. Flip Flops are not safe for school.
Join PTA! PTA is an active and important part of Hartman Elementary. Join today for only $7.50
Volunteer Background Checks: Our volunteer background check form will be completed online. This can also be accessed under “Parent and Student Services” on the district website as well as on the HR page. roudCkForm.aspx