Ohio and Our Community Third Grade Katy Brown
Table of Contents ► 1. History Objectives, Activities and Web sites ► 2. People in Societies Objectives, Activities and Web sites ► 3. Geography Objectives, Activities and Web sites ► 4. Economics Objectives, Activities and Web sites ► 5. Government Objectives, Activities, and Web sites ► 6. Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Objectives, Activities and Web sites ► 7. Social Studies Skills and Methods Objectives, Activities and Web sites
History ► Students will be able to: describe changes in Ohio’s physical features. describe changes in businesses. describe changes in recreation. describe changes in education. place West Milton’s historical events in chronological order.
History Activities ► Activity One: Students will be asked to describe some of the physical features around the area. Then the students will be shown pictures of dense forests and early settlements. Students will compare current setting to past setting. ► Activity Two: Students will be taken on a field trip to Carillon Park. Students will explore the buildings at the park and find out what services some of the buildings provided. A classroom activity will be conducted comparing the past business services to the present business services. ► Activity Three: The classroom will create a list of recreational activities in which they participate in. Research will be conducted on when each activity was introduced into society. Students will also have an opportunity to play games that were popular one-hundred years ago.
History Activities Continued… ► Activity 4: Students will be asked to recall field trip to Carollin Park. They will also be shown pictures of past school conditions. Students will be shown old readers and will move their desks in rows for the lesson. ► Activity 5: Students will be shown a list of important historical events related to West Milton. Each event will be briefly explained and then placed in chronological order.
History Web sites ► Ohio History Central Information about Ohio’s natural history. ► Ohio Department of Natural Resources Gives a brief history of Ohio’s canal system. ► The Ohio History Network Offers various information about the history of the state of Ohio
History Web sites Continued… ► Places Ohio Gives the names and descriptions of historical museums located in Ohio. ► Ohio Kids Site Safari Gives locations of historical sites.
People in Societies ► Students will be able to: compare West Milton to other local communities in Ohio. compare Ohio to other states and countries. describe a variety of artist works hat may be seen around the community. compare our language to different languages that may be heard in the area. describe the impact food has on various cultures in the community.
People in Societies Activities ► Activity One: Students will be asked to describe what makes up our community. Students will also be asked if they see other communities having some of the same services as West Milton. A Venn Diagram will be created to compare what communities have in common. ► Activity Two: Students will compare Ohio to another state and country. Research will be conducted to find out how communities compare to each other. ► Activity Three: Students will be shown works of local artists. The teacher will arrange for a local artist to come in and give a brief talk or demonstration.
People in Societies Activities Continued… ► Activity Four: Introduce students to various cultures of our area. Discuss with students differences in communication. Share familiar greetings of different languages to the class. ► Activity Five: Allow students to view various cultures cookbooks. Cookbooks will be related to cultures affluent to the area. Have students pick out an important dish and its importance to its culture.
People in Societies Web sites ► Famous Ohioans Gives brief biographies of individuals from Ohio. ► U.S.A. City Links Breaks down Ohio’s demographics. ► City of Kettering ml ml ml Rosewood Art Centre offers hands on activities and displays local artists works.
People in Societies Web sites Continued… ► Foods of the World html html html Shares recipes and customs from other cultures. ► Cultural Diversity: Eating in America Shares eating patterns of people from the country of Laos.
Geography ► Students will be able to: describe the landforms and climate of our area. identify types of transportation in the community. read and interpret parts of a map of West Milton. read a map key and find various locations in Ohio using symbols. compare the location of Ohio to the equator, Prime Meridian, the North Pole, and the South Pole.
Geography Activities ► Activity One: Students will share and be exposed to the landforms and climatic conditions of the area. Students will also explain how the community changes because of the climatic and land conditions. ► Activity Two: Students will share and brainstorm about transportation in the area. Students will then describe what services these types of transportation provide. ► Activity Three: Students will be given a map of West Milton and be asked to find the major roads running through the town. Students will also locate the school and their home.
Geography Activities Continued… ► Activity Four: Students will be given a map of Ohio. They will examine the key and symbols. The students will then find examples of symbols on the map. ► Activity Five: Students will look at the world map. Ohio will be compared to the location of the equator and Prime Meridian. Students will also describe the location of Ohio in the terms of Hemispheres.
Geography Web sites ► Netstate m m m Breaks down Ohio’s landforms and climates. ► About Gives resources on Ohio. ► Ohio History Teacher Gives resources on Ohio’s past geography.
Geography Web sites Continued… ► Ohio Public Library Information Network Gives a history of Ohio’s evolution, landforms, and city histories. ► Enchanted Learning Shows state symbols and explains industry, and geography.
Economics ► Students will be able to: identify producers and consumers. categorize economic activities dealing with production and consumption. identify role of money and institutions of saving. explain how West Milton exchanges goods. identify competition between markets in community and surrounding areas.
Economics Activities ► Activity One: Students will be given scenarios in which they are familiar with. Students will then identify who the producers and consumers are in each scenario after a brief explanation of both are given. ► Activity Two: Students will be given cards with scenarios describing production and consumption of local area or Ohio businesses. Students will categorize themselves into production or consumption categories. ► Activity Three: Students will describe the role of money in their society. Students will be asked to share what information they know about banks by using a K-W-L chart.
Economics Activities Continued… ► Activity Four: Students will brainstorm ways that West Milton exchanges goods. Teacher will add in to the discussion in areas that students miss. ► Activity Five: Students will name types of businesses that may be competitors. Students will explore ways local and area businesses compete with each other.
Economics Websites ► Social Studies for Kids Gives articles for students to read dealing with economic issues. ► Kids Bank.com Site where students can learn about money and banking. ► Social Studies Standards with Focus on Economics Gives lesson plans focusing on economics.
Economics Web sites Continued… ► Fun Social Studies /links/economics.htm /links/economics.htm /links/economics.htm Students can learn about money and business at an appropriate level. ► Money Instructor p p p Instructs students how to save money.
Government ► Students will be able to: explain public services found in area. explain how the government promotes order and security. identify where local government and Ohio government buildings are located. identify local and Ohio government leaders. define power and authority.
Government Activities ► Activity One: Students will be given a pamphlet of various services found in the area. Students will work in groups and describe the importance of the public service. ► Activity Two: A police officer will come and give a speech to the class. Speaker will cover how government promotes order and security. ► Activity Three: Students will walk to local government buildings. Ohio’s main government buildings will also be researched by the internet.
Government Activities Continued… ► Activity Four: Students will use the internet to find out important local and Ohio government leaders. ► Activity Five: Students will have a discussion about power and authority. Events will be identified where proper and improper use of power and authority are used.
Government Web sites ► Ohio.gov Gives information about the issues and people in Ohio’s government. ► Great Government For Kids Gives a piece by piece explanation on the state and local governments responsibilities. ► Gov Spot Discusses government powers at different levels.
Government Web sites Continued… ► GPO Access Gives information on all of the governments agencies. ► First Gov Gives information on issues that the government deals with.
Citizenships Rights and Responsibilities ► Students will be able to: describe how Ohio and their community can help the environment. demonstrate respect for the rights of other citizens. demonstrate the trait of compromise. describe the importance of voting. describe the importance of obeying the laws.
Citizenships Rights and Responsibilities Activities ► Activity One: Students will brainstorm ways in which the community and state can help the environment. Ideas may be implemented into a plan of action if the students can get enough support. ► Activity Two: Students will be read a story about bullies. Issues such as rights and respect will be followed directly after the story. ► Activity Three: Students will be given problem scenarios. Solutions involving compromise will be invented. Students will share results to the class.
Citizenships Rights and Responsibilities Activities Continued… ► Activity Four: Teacher will give a voting scenario. Voting will be discussed with the class. Students will summarize lesson by describing the importance of voting. ► Activity Five: Students will discuss some rules and laws of the school setting. Students will then be encouraged to share with the class how the rules of the school can be applied to the community.
Citizenships Rights and Responsibilities Web sites ► Kids Voting USA Organization that strives to teach students about the democratic process. ► Environment Agency Site where environmental issues can be found. ► Environmental Protection Agency Information can be geared to students or teachers on issues effecting the environment.
Citizenships Rights and Responsibilities Web sites Continued… ► Self-Management and Self-Determination Strategies Site offers strategies to help students make smart decisions regarding behaviors. ► Social Studies Grade Three ml ml ml Gives lesson plans geared towards decision making.
Social Studies Skills and Methods ► Students will be able to: obtain information about their community and Ohio from the newspaper. obtain information about Ohio’s history from artifacts. obtain information about events through written documents. interpret and read a bar graph. use problem solving skill to identify and fix a problem.
Social Studies Skills and Methods Activities ► Activity One: Students will bring in newspaper articles regarding West Milton or Ohio (newspapers will be provided for students who do not receive the newspaper at home). Students will tell the class of information learned from the newspaper article. ► Activity Two: Students will be taken to Carollin Park. Students will look at old items to learn how individuals in the past functioned in society. ► Activity Three: Students will look at written journal entries from the past. Students will use journal entries to gain information about past life.
Social Studies Skills and Methods Activities Continued… ► Activity Four: Students will make a bar graph of visitation data of the Dayton Public Libraries. Students will play with data to answer a variety of questions. ► Activity Five: Students will be given a problem that may be seen in their community or classroom. Students will use problem solving skills to come up with a solution to the problem.
Social Studies Skills and Methods Web sites ► Miami County, Ohio Genealogical Researchers Gives historical information about Miami County. ► Ohio Historical Society Allows a search to be conducted on Ohio’s history museums. ► Dayton Daily News Website offers current event in the Dayton area.
Social Studies Skills and Methods Web sites continued… ► US Historical Documents Archive Site offers old documents that can be opened and read. ► Lesson Plans Page.com BarGraphs4.htm BarGraphs4.htm BarGraphs4.htm Gives lesson plan on how to read and interpret a bar graph.