NYSPHA April 25, 2013 Developing, Executing and Evaluating a Healthy Weight Strategy in Children ages 2-10 in Monroe County 1
Objectives of Discussion Elements of launching a community-wide strategy Challenges in collecting BMI in community- based settings Key elements for interventions in schools and community 2
Mission Statement To improve the health status of all residents of the Greater Rochester community including people whose unique healthcare needs have not been met because of race, ethnicity or income. 3
Children’s Healthy Weight Initiative Laying the Groundwork: Task Force of key stakeholders convened to develop strategy Prevalence study of overweight and obesity commissioned RFP’s issued for schools, advocacy and clinical strategies Market assessment and creative communications campaign developed 4
5 Health Foundation Healthy Weight Strategy GOAL: Reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity from 15% to 5% of Monroe County children ages 2-10 by 2017 [from 12,144 kids to 4,081 kids] GOAL: Reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity from 15% to 5% of Monroe County children ages 2-10 by 2017 [from 12,144 kids to 4,081 kids] Increase physical activity and improve nutrition Engage the clinical community Advance policy and practice solutions Execute a community communications campaign
Increasing Physical Activity and Improving Nutrition Health Foundation Funded Initiatives School-Based (3 Suburbs and RCSD) Early Child Care Centers Mini-Grants in the community Key Learning's and Elements for Success There must be a Champion at each site Curriculum needs variety and staff need ‘refreshers’ Allow the school/child care centers to define their priorities Small grants - can not be measured although anecdotally have perceived impact 6
Advocacy – Healthi Kids Successes Developed design standards for RCSD School Modernization Program to support food service and physical activity “Lunch is Gross” campaign demanded improved school food which resulted in BOE allocating an additional $2 million for healthy food Issued Recess Report card in 2011 Long Range Transportation Plan incorporated all Healthi Kids recommendations related to playability and walkability Complete streets ordinance passed Learning: Monitoring ‘successes’ as important as achieving ‘successes ’ 7
Clinical – Pediatric Learning Collaborative 8 Learning’s: Physicians believe in documenting BMI and counseling for nutrition and physical activity, but… …having enough time is a challenge …crises (H1N1) can get in the way
Communications Campaign 9 Awareness Paid Media, Community Events 75% of parents surveyed know the term “5·2·1·0” and 91% can correctly identify the definition Center for Community Health — Parent Workshops One-Time Events and 3 Session Workshops 9% of parents completed the 6-month follow-up questionnaire Changing Behaviors In The Home Variable Approaches…Trusted Organization Limited parent engagement overtime. Learning Awareness doesn’t change behavior Engaging parents is slow and expensive
10 Healthy Weight Council Education MediaCBOsClinicians Government BusinessParentsFaith Funders Next Steps: Revised Strategy 1. Form Healthy Weight Council. Healthy weight in children will become one of the top tree community wide issues involving children
11 Next Steps: Revised Strategy continued 2. Focus on City of Rochester. 3. Concentrate on 4-10 year olds.