September 13, 2012
Title I is a federal program which provides financial assistance to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of economically disadvantaged students to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.
Schools in which economically disadvantaged students make up at least 40 percent of enrollment are eligible to use Title I funds for school-wide programs that serve all children in the school. Jackson High is a school-wide Title I School, which is part of a Title I district (APS). Jackson’s percentage of economically disadvantaged students is over 90%.
In , the state of GA requested a waiver of traditional AYP accountability under the ESEA. Rather than simply “met AYP,” new distinctions include Reward, Priority, Focus, and Alert Schools based on an achievement formula. New accountability has various performance measures under a new College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI), which serves as a comprehensive report card for all GA schools.
Jackson is a Priority Status School A separate information session (Date TBD) will be held to provide information on the CCPRI as it relates to Jackson High School
At the current time, all Jackson teachers are Highly Qualified (HQ) as defined by No Child Left Behind (NCLB). This refers to the certification and education levels for Teachers and Paraprofessionals.
Increase % of students meeting or exceeding standards on all End of Course Tests Decrease the % of students absent ten or more days. Reduce the percent of students being retained in order to increase graduation rate Decrease the % of students with disciplinary infractions Increase the students’ ability to access informational text (Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum)
Parent Right to Know Letter. Parent Right to Know Letter- Non-highly qualified teacher. Assessment results- Parents will receive student score reports from the school.
The Parent Resource Center is located across from Rm This room is not available for use right now because currently we do not have a parent liaison. The Parent Center will be equipped with technology and other valuable resources that parents will be able to use in order to help their student(s) succeed in school.
Title I Information Meeting, Saturday, September 15 th from 10:00-11:30 a.m. PTSA/Academic Progress Night will be Tuesday, September 25 th at 6:00 p.m.
Parental Involvement Policy Parents are welcome to visit Jackson High School to observe classrooms, volunteer, or utilize the Parent Resource Center. Title I Parent Workshops dates TBD.
Review the compact/involement policy/FLP and offer suggestions for revisions by September 25 th. suggestions for revisions to
Thank you for your attendance and involvement!