pcctn prostate cancer coalition of tennessee SESSION 5: Challenges: Reducing Cancers through Intervention Prostate Cancer Dan McCollum Tennessee Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalition Summit 2009 Passport to the Future: A Cancer Free Tennessee
pcctn to raise awareness of prostate cancer and its prevalence in tennessee
The American Cancer Society estimated that in 2008 there would be 3980 new cases of prostate cancer - and 560 men would die from prostate cancer in Tennessee. Thats one man diagnosed every 30 minutes that clinics are open. One man dies every sixteen hours.
Our incident rates for are among the lowest at per 100,000 compared to nationwide. However, our mortality rates during this same period are the 9 th highest at 31.1 per 100,000.
Death Rates between African Americans and Whites, African AmericanWhiteRate Ratio Prostate Lifetime Probability of Developing or Dying from Invasive Cancers by race, DevelopingDying African American (%)White (%)African American (%)White (%) Prostate18.25 (1 in 5)15.25 (1 in 7)4.43 (1 in 23)2.65 (1 in 38)
How do we intervene?
References American Cancer Society. (2008). Cancer Prevention & Early Detection Facts & Figures Atlanta: American Cancer Society, Retrieved February 25, 2009, from: _figures_2008.asp American Cancer Society. (2009). Cancer Facts & Figures for African Americans Atlanta: American Cancer Society, Retrieved March 18, 2009, from: