Birth Certificate data is crucial for medical research
Reproductive Health Report Card DiseaseRisk Mental retardation1 in 100 babies Birth defects1 in 33 babies Prematurity1 in 10 babies Knowledge of causesPoor Accurate InformationLacking
The Problem Rates of congenital anomalies and prematurity haven’t changed in 30 years Science has failed the pregnant woman!
The Birth Certificate as an information hub
Birth Certificate low birth weight prematurity Birth Certificate low birth weight prematurity
The Birth Certificate as an information hub Infant Death Certificate All causes of children’s diseases Infant Death Certificate All causes of children’s diseases Birth Certificate low birth weight prematurity Birth Certificate low birth weight prematurity
The Birth Certificate as an information hub Birth Defects Registry Structural congenital anomalies Birth Defects Registry Structural congenital anomalies Infant Death Certificate All causes of children’s diseases Infant Death Certificate All causes of children’s diseases Birth Certificate low birth weight prematurity Birth Certificate low birth weight prematurity
The Birth Certificate as an information hub National Death Index Deaths among pregnant women National Death Index Deaths among pregnant women Birth Defects Registry Structural congenital anomalies Birth Defects Registry Structural congenital anomalies Infant Death Certificate All causes of children’s diseases Infant Death Certificate All causes of children’s diseases Birth Certificate low birth weight prematurity Birth Certificate low birth weight prematurity
The Birth Certificate as an information hub Pregnancy Blood Samples Exposures in mom Pregnancy Blood Samples Exposures in mom National Death Index Deaths among pregnant women National Death Index Deaths among pregnant women Birth Defects Registry Structural congenital anomalies Birth Defects Registry Structural congenital anomalies Infant Death Certificate All causes of children’s diseases Infant Death Certificate All causes of children’s diseases Birth Certificate low birth weight prematurity Birth Certificate low birth weight prematurity
Discovering Causes Through Bio-Research California Birth Defects Monitoring Program banks blood samples on 100,000 pregnant women per year. As of June 2006, we have banked 290,000 pregnant women’s blood samples.
Discovering Causes Through Bio-Research Each sample is split into two serum specimens stored at -70°C and one clot stored at -20°C. Samples are banked at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, Long Beach, California.
Discovering Causes Through Bio-Research Pregnancy blood samples are collected between weeks Urban, rural, multi-racial and socioeconomically diverse population
Discovering Causes Through Bio-Research Childhood diseases that can be studied with blood samples: Birth defects Mental retardation Low birth weight Prematurity Childhood cancer Autism
Discovering Causes Through Bio-Research Risk factors that can be studied with blood samples: Medications Infections Chemicals Diet Lifestyle Genetic
Pregnancy Blood Samples Exposures in mom Pregnancy Blood Samples Exposures in mom National Death Index Deaths among pregnant women National Death Index Deaths among pregnant women Birth Defects Registry Structural congenital anomalies Birth Defects Registry Structural congenital anomalies Infant Death Certificate All causes of children’s diseases Infant Death Certificate All causes of children’s diseases Birth Certificate low birth weight prematurity Birth Certificate low birth weight prematurity
Summary We need to find causes of children’s diseases
Summary We need to find prenatal antecedents of adult diseases
Summary To do this we need to link birth certificate data with pregnancy blood samples and health outcomes among children and adults