Evil men are never satisfied (3 John 9-10; cf. Prov. 27:20; 30:15-16; Hab. 2:5). However, the godly enjoy the peace that passes understanding (Phil. 4:4-9).
The Greek adjective arketos is descriptive of that which “enough,” “sufficient,” or “adequate.” The Greek verb arke ō means “to be enough, sufficient, adequate” or “to be satisfied/content with something.”
Let us trust in God, knowing that He will provide for our necessities, recognizing that each day has enough trouble of its own (Matt. 6:25-34). Let us be content with our physical circumstances (Luke 3:14; 1 Tim. 6:6-10; Heb. 13:4-6).
Let us recognize that Christ fully provides for our needs (John 6:1-14). He has revealed the Father (John 14:8-14). His grace is sufficient (2 Cor. 12:7-10).
Regarding the demands of discipleship, it is enough for the disciple that he become like his teacher, and the slave like his master (Matt. 10:24-28). Regarding our past life of sin, whatever time we have wasted in sinful pursuits is sufficient (1 Pet. 4:1-6). Regarding the Lord’s return, let us ever be prepared (Matt. 25:1-13).