Jesus’ Work of Healing Chapter 16
Our Need for God’s Forgiveness Everyone needs __________ and everyone needs to ________ God is always ready to ________ us when we sin Sin is freely _________ to do or say what we know is against God’s will and is also freely choosing to not do or say what we know is God’s _______ Sin shows ___________ to God When we sin, we offend ________ and harm other people and the community of the _________ When we sin, we harm, or hurt, the person God _________ us to be and we wound our human _________ The __________ ___________ invites us to ask for and accept God’s forgiveness and helps us to _________ our ways to live more like ____________ of God We need God’s help, or ___________, not to sin again
The Sacrament of Reconciliation After his __________, Jesus appeared to his disciples and gave them the authority to ________ He said: “________ be with you. As the ________ sent me, so I send you. And when he had said this, he _________ on them and said to them, ‘Receive the ________ _________. Whose sins you _________ are forgiven them, and whose sins you __________ are retained.’” John 20:21-23 ________ gave us the Sacrament of Reconciliation, or Penance Through this sacrament we receive both God’s __________ for the sins we commit after _________ and his grace to overcome ___________ and not to sin again
Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, _________ and ________ speak in the name of Jesus Through the words of the bishop or priest and the power of the ______ ________, our sins are forgiven We are ___________, or made friends again, with God and the __________ We can celebrate the sacrament ________ with a priest or we can gather as a ___________ and celebrate the sacrament
The Rite of Reconciliation Confession of sins: We meet individually with a priest and confess, or ___________, our sins to him Contrition for sins: We pray an act of contrition. We express our sorrow for having _________ God and being truly sorry for our sins means we do not want to sin again. We must cooperate with the _______ ________ to change the way we live Penance: The priest gives us a penance and may ask us to say a _______ or do an act of __________. Accepting and doing our penance shows we are truly sorry and that we want to make up for the ________ caused by our sins Absolution: Absolution is the ____________ that the priest speaks in the name of God. When the priest says “I absolve you,” __________ speaks through him and you are _______ from your sins
Forgiving Others As God forgives us, we too are to forgive _____ those who sin against us We need to learn ways to ______ for forgiveness and to forgive ________ We when are forgiven we receive the gift of _________ and when we forgive we bring healing to ________ Jesus taught us that we must forgive others as ___________ as God forgives us It is not enough that we are forgiven; we must _________ other people too We must treat _________ the same way we ask God to treat ______
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick When Jesus healed people who were sick, he not only healed their ________ but also healed them __________ He helped them grow in ______, ______, and love for God _________ gave the Church the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick Christ’s ___________ give new meaning to our suffering and through _________ with Jesus, the sick find strength, peace, and _________
Rite of Anointing of the Sick Only a _________ or ________ can administer this sacrament Litany, or Prayer of Faith: The priest leads all present, who represent the whole ________, in a prayer of faith in response to God’s _______ Laying on of Hands: _________ often laid his hands on sick people. It shows that the Church is asking God’s __________ on the sick person Anointing with Oil: First the priest or bishop anoints the sick person’s _________, as he prays, “Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his _______ and ________ help you with the grace of the ________ _________.” Then he anoints the person’s ________ as he prays, “May the Lord who frees you from ______ save you and ________ you up.”