Writing IEP's for Gifted Students


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Presentation transcript:

Writing IEP's for Gifted Students This presentation is the property of Lynn Howard and Tara Strang, Hamilton County Department of Education. Permission is granted to use this presentation in conjunction with proper credit given to the authors.

Gifted Definition – Tennessee State Department of Education “Intellectually Gifted” means a child whose intellectual abilities and potential for achievement are so outstanding the child’s educational performance is adversely affected. “Adverse affect” means the general curriculum alone is inadequate to appropriately meet the student’s educational needs.

GIFTED HAS A SPECIFIC MEANING In educational terms, 'Gifted' means that the child has an educational need in one or more subject areas. Giftedness is not a good thing, a nice thing, or related to doing well in a regular education class. Gifted is not any other type of "thing" in particular. The term identifies a need. For the purposes of education law in Pennsylvania the term "gifted" applies to a child who learns differently enough from most other children to require measures and methods beyond those used in the normal grade-level taken in the classroom. http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/unofficial_guide.htm

GIFTED ELIGIBILITY IN TENNESSEE A TWO PRONG PROCESS Eligibility for services as a gifted student is based on evaluation in each of the following component areas: Educational Performance, Creativity/Characteristics of Intellectual Giftedness, and Cognition/Intelligence The student must meet Criteria of the TN K-12 Intellectually Gifted Assessment. The team must agree that the general curriculum alone is not adequate to meet the student’s educational needs.

Determining “Adverse Affect” The rigor available to a student in the general program is a critical factor in determining if “Adverse Affect” exists. The team must compare the student’s assessment results, which give present levels of performance, with the general classroom’s requirements. Are the general classroom’s requirements within the student’s zone of proximal development?

Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development Making Meaning A student makes meaning of new learning in his/her own brain based upon previous experiences and the language attached to those experiences. The richer a child’s experiences, the more meaning he/she can make of new information. Tools for Cognitive Development Scaffolding gives a support to help the student reach a level that would otherwise be beyond his/her reach. Mediated learning The Zone of Proximal Development ___a student can ___________________a student cannot____ do without help do even with help The ZPD falls between these two points on the continuum.

Evaluating Rigor and Enrichment Available in the Regular Program. School median test scores Grouping practices of the school Specific information about school curricula Acceleration opportunities Classroom observations Work samples Collaboration with classroom teacher or grade level Enrichment opportunities available in the school program

Eligible Gifted Student Design Appropriate Services The Student is an Eligible Gifted Student Design Appropriate Services And Write an IEP

Gifted is NOT a Program. It IS appropriately designed services which meet the educational needs of the student based on identified strengths and interests, as well as social/emotional needs.

Using Assessment Results Use descriptive/narrative information from any or all of the following, including but not limited to: Tennessee Teacher Observation Checklist Tennessee Creative Thinking Checklist Tennessee Parent Information Form Parent Interview Psychological Report Classroom Observations Teacher Interviews Gifted Evaluation Scale 2 (GES2)

Using Assessment Results In addition to descriptive/narrative information, scores may provide additional data valuable to the team. Psychological Report TCAP percentiles (Not Advanced, Proficient, etc.) PLAN, EXPLORE, SAT, ACT, etc. Grades, Report Cards, GPA, etc.

Writing Present Levels of Performance for the Intellectually Gifted Student Write a descriptor of those areas where the student performs at an advanced level, to include more than a standardized test score. If needed, write a descriptor of those areas of weakness which may impact the student’s ability to achieve at their optimal potential, to include more than a standardized test score.

Writing Present Levels of Performance for the Intellectually Gifted Student Present levels of performance should also address the student’s interests and educational and career goals. Specific social and/or emotional needs may need to be addressed. Further information may be found at www.sengifted.org.

Present Levels of Performance Base Goals on Present Levels of Performance Goals should not be written because that is your program. Many gifted students may have similar needs, but goals must be individualized even if students are in the same service delivery group and working on the same activity.

The Goals agreed upon by the IEP Team will determine the level of service the student needs. As with all special education students, a continuum of services should be available for eligible Intellectually Gifted Students.

IEP Scenarios This section of the presentation is designed to be interactive; we encourage questions, comments, and other participation.

As with any special education student, the gifted student’s individual profile will exhibit a range of interests and passions, strengths and weaknesses, which should be considered by the IEP team.

The following slides are examples which should not limit the IEP team’s creativity and imagination in designing the IEP. The team may find The Gifted Intervention Manual (Hawthorne Educational Services, Inc.) a useful tool.

Student One Present Level Goal Objective Student One writes descriptively, including the use of above grade level vocabulary, syntax, and semantic skills. She has won several creative writing contests. TCAP Scores at the 96%ile reflect this advanced ability in writing. Goal Student One will write in a variety of genres. Objective Student One will use prose and poetic models to write essays, narratives, and poems.

Student Two Present Level of Performance Goal Objective Student Two can mentally add and subtract 3 digit numbers with accuracy. She knows all addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts through 12. She is still working on mastery of division facts. Current TCAP scores at the 85%ile do not accurately reflect classroom performance. Goal Student Two will be accelerated one grade level for math instruction. Objective Student Two will complete all homework, classwork, quizzes, and tests in the 4th grade math curriculum.

Student Three Present Levels of Performance Goals Objectives Student Three is disorganized and frequently does not turn in homework and classroom assignments. His TCAP scores in the 90%ile range in all areas indicate that he continues to meet grade level benchmarks and standards even though he does not turn in work. Goals Student Three will complete homework and class assignments. Objectives For skills where Student Three has not shown mastery, he will complete 90% homework, and class assignments. Accommodations Compacting, including pretesting, and alternate assignments, for skills which are mastered.

Student Four Present Level of Performance Goal Objective Student Four shows excellent leadership skills through her involvement in student government, clubs, and extra-curricular activities. This aligns with her desire to work in the political arena. Goal Student Four will apply the attributes of leadership based on the Lincoln on Leadership book. Objective After reading and discussing the chapters on people, character, endeavor, and communication Student Four will practice implementing the strategy and discuss the results in a class seminar with others who are also studying this text. Lincoln on Leadership

Student Five Present Level of Performance Goal Objective Student Five has an advanced ability to reason and figure out solutions using novel information (fluid ability). He tested out of ESL services two years ago. Currently his vocabulary is low relative to measured cognitive ability. Goal Student Five will increase his expressive and receptive vocabulary. Objective In consultation with his teachers, Student Five will read 3 books per grading period, based on interest and curriculum units, with increasingly difficult vocabulary. Literature circle, vocabulary tests, vocabulary exploration through discussion groups.

Student Six Present Level of Performance Goal Objective Accommodation Student Six has verbal skills within the very superior range. Her verbal comprehension, abstract verbal reasoning, and expressive vocabulary skills are at or above the 98th%ile. Her processing speed is at the 37th%ile. Teachers report trouble with work completion, particularly in math. Goal Student Six will improve her work completion. Objective With the accommodations listed, Student Six will complete all math assignments 100% of the time. Accommodation Extended time for testing, classwork may be completed at home, abbreviated assignments.

Student Seven Present Level of Performance Goal Objective Student Seven has strong visual-spatial ability and good long-term retrieval skills. He has a weak vocabulary, poor written language skills, and poor fine motor functioning. He also has low motivation. He has a keen interest in science fiction. Goal Student Seven will improve his written language skills. Objective Student Seven will write science fiction stories as alternate assignments at least 4 times per grading period, when agreed upon by the teacher. The teacher will provide a rubric for grading. Accommodation Written work will be completed on a computer or alpha-smart

Student Eight Present Level of Performance Goal Objective Student Eight has a strong interest and ability in math and science. He was an outstanding student in AP Biology and scored a 4 on the AP Biology Exam. He wishes to pursue a career in the medical field. Goal Student Eight will investigate career choices in the medical and science field. Objective Student Eight will complete 2 job shadowing experiences of his choice. Accommodations Absences for job shadowing experiences will be considered excused at the school.