Ohio Association of Career- Technical Superintendents Stan W. Heffner Superintendent of Public Instruction June 21, 2012
CTE Continues to be at the Forefront A Changing World
College and Career Ready
What is College Ready?
What is Career Ready?
Ohio’s Future Job Needs
Creativity Innovation Problem Solving Collaboration Skills to Distinguish Workers
Content Application of Skills Innate Motivation of Technology for Students to Learn These skills need to blend:
A New Era is Approaching: What are the CTE Implications?
Opportunity is Now Integration of Content into Program
Ready for End of Course Exams Ensure New Standards Engage All Students – both in academic and CTE Courses
Bridging the Divide Between College and Career Readiness
Strategies Being Used Forming Cross- Disciplinary Teams for CCSS Planning and Implementation Creating or Updating Curricular and Instructional Resources Enhancing Literacy and Math Strategies within CTE Instruction
Strategies Being Used Forming Cross- Disciplinary Teams for CCSS Planning and Implementation
Creating or Updating Curricular and Instructional Resources Strategies Being Used
Enhancing Literacy and Math Strategies within CTE Instruction Strategies Being Used
Strategies Being Initiated Fostering CTE and Academic Teacher Collaboration Establishing Expectations for and Monitoring CCSS Integration into CTE Involving Postsecondary CTE in CCSS Implementation
Fostering CTE and Academic Teacher Collaboration Strategies Being Initiated
Establishing Expectations for and Monitoring CCSS Integration into CTE Strategies Being Initiated
Involving Postsecondary CTE in CCSS Implementation Strategies Being Initiated
Involving Postsecondary CTE in CCSS Implementation Strategies Being Initiated Improvement Areas Developing a Common Understanding of College and Career Readiness Ramping up Communication and Information Sharing
Developing a Common Understanding of College and Career Readiness Improvement Areas
Ramping up Communication and Information Sharing Improvement Areas
Looking Ahead Virtual classrooms Blended learning
Career Connections
JVS and Career Tech Report Card Challenge: You have a blank slate.
Four Characteristics of Accountability Contain accurate measures of student achievement and growth; Be used as a tool to diagnose and guide continuous improvement;
Four Characteristics of Accountability Make sure that all children are benefiting from school; and Be transparent and understandable so the community can understand its return on their investment.
Shared Regional Facilities
CTE Can Lead the Way