STARTER If the answer is “Motivation” what would the question be? If the answer is “Carrot” what would the question be if it wasn’t about something you eat? 2
A LONG TIME AGO Frederick Winslow Taylor (known to his friends as FW) started investigating how to make people work harder He was an engineer and he wanted to find out how to make workers as efficient as machines 3
EFFICIENCY Your definition here 4
WHY HE IS FAMOUS FW (as his friends knew him) became known as the Father of Scientific Management, his influence is still felt today He came from a wealthy family and was very smart, he was accepted to study Law at Harvard but his eyesight was becoming very poor and he had to find another profession 5
ENGINEERING He became very well known in his field and won awards for his innovative engineering solutions But machines alone could not make a company efficient and soon he turned his attention to the workers 6
FW TAYLOR’S WORK He set up systems for workers to follow He measured output and rewarded it for individuals He brought in specialised training for all workers rather than just let them work it out for themselves or learn from others 7
BUT … He had some funny ideas Here’s a famous quote from FW Taylor “'I can say, without the slightest hesitation that the science of handling pig-iron is so great that the man who is... physically able to handle pig-iron and is as stupid to choose this for his occupation is rarely able to understand the science of handling pig-iron 8 Do you agree, this was written in 1911, what might have changed since then?
TAYLOR BELIEVED THAT Workers were only motivated by money Workers were naturally lazy and left alone would work very poorly Workers were not smart enough to make decisions they needed managers for that 9 Formulate an argument against Taylor’s theories
HOWEVER Some of the ideas he created are still used today Piece work is the main way of motivating production workers to increase efficiency His ideas about training and production methods are still in use today 10
REVISION Write down as much about FW Taylor as you can remember, you can discuss with your work partners if you like Time 5 Minutes 11
NEXT … MAZLOW Abraham Maslow was born in 1908 in Brooklyn, New York He was the oldest of 7 children and his parents were uneducated Jews from the Ukraine He remembers his childhood as lonely and unhappy because he was the only Jewish boy in his neighbourhood He had no friends and spent a lot of time studying in libraries 12
HIS STUDIES Mazlow’s studies paid off and he earned a place at university to study Psychology Most Psychologists in these days concentrated on what it meant when the brain went wrong Abraham Maslow studied what it meant when the brain was exceptional 13
MASLOW STUDIED EXCEPTIONAL PEOPLE LIKE.. Albert Einstein to see what made them so successful He came up with the following theory 14
MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS In brief, people have different needs in order to be satisfied Once they have fulfilled their basic needs they move on to other needs He developed a pyramid to demonstrate this 15
16 sleep etc Creativity, meaningfulness, self sufficiency, playfulness, satisfaction