Department of Education Personnel Information Reporting System Upgrades - 2005 The Departments goal is for LEAs to have the ability to continually update.


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Presentation transcript:

Department of Education Personnel Information Reporting System Upgrades The Departments goal is for LEAs to have the ability to continually update the website for any and all changes to personnel.

Personnel Reporting Information System (PIRS) PIRS is an on-line, web based system designed to comply with State law, which requires school systems to annually report their licensed, professional staffs to the Department of Education.

Personnel Information Reporting System TCA § , makes the Department responsible for collecting training, experience, and salary data annually for all licensed personnel to establish acceptable training and experience ratings. For salary purposes, data is collected as of December 1, and for experience purposes, this data is collected at year end.

Retired Teachers Reemployed Under TCA § (85% Rule) Retired teachers reemployed in accordance with TCA § are not reported to the Department for training, experience, or salary purposes. Reasons: Subsection (a)(6), The retired member shall not receive automatic credit for years of experience in determining compensation…

Retired Teachers Reemployed Under TCA § (85% Rule) Salary is established by the LEA at a rate no less than teachers with no experience filling similar positions nor more than 85% of the rate set by the LEA for teachers with comparable training and experience. Once the salary is set, the teacher is not entitled to supplements paid under the career ladder program.

Retired Teachers Reemployed Under TCA § (85% Rule) Subsection (5) provides, such retired member shall not be eligible to accrue additional retirement benefits, accrue leave or receive medical insurance coverage as a result of such employment. Subsection (7) provides, the retired members appointment to serve as a teacher cannot exceed one year. Teachers employed under TCA § have many qualities of outside contractors, but remain on the LEAs payroll.

Retired Teachers Reemployed Under TCA § (85% Rule) In sum, a retired teacher reemployed in accordance with TCA § is not reported to the State through PIRS because: –the salary established is negotiated locally with the teacher; –after the salary is established, it may not have any relationship to the state/local salary schedule; and –the teacher does not receive credit for experience.

Retired Teachers Reemployed Under 120 Day Contracts Retired teachers reemployed in accordance with TCA § are not reported to the Department for salary purposes, but are reported for training and experience purposes. Retired teachers reemployed in accordance with TCA § are not reported to the Department for salary purposes, but are reported for training and experience purposes. Reasons: TCA § does not specifically address training and experience while TCA § does. Therefore, training and experience should be reported for retired teachers working 120 day contracts, but not for salary purposes. Reasons: TCA § does not specifically address training and experience while TCA § does. Therefore, training and experience should be reported for retired teachers working 120 day contracts, but not for salary purposes.

Retired Teachers Reemployed Under 120 Day Contracts Salary is established by the LEA at a rate no more than an amount equal to the sum of sixty percent (60%) of the annual full-time salary received by the retired member in the year immediately prior to retirement, adjusted by five percent (5%) for each year since the members retirement or other such percentage as determine by the treasurer and the commissioner of personnel. Salary is established by the LEA at a rate no more than an amount equal to the sum of sixty percent (60%) of the annual full-time salary received by the retired member in the year immediately prior to retirement, adjusted by five percent (5%) for each year since the members retirement or other such percentage as determine by the treasurer and the commissioner of personnel. The retired teacher is entitled to supplements paid under the career ladder program, which is a part of the entire salary. The retired teacher is entitled to supplements paid under the career ladder program, which is a part of the entire salary.

Retired Teachers Reemployed Under 120 Day Contracts In sum, a retired teacher reemployed in accordance with TCA § is reported to the State through PIRS: In sum, a retired teacher reemployed in accordance with TCA § is reported to the State through PIRS: for training and experience purposes; butfor training and experience purposes; but not for salary purposes, because:not for salary purposes, because: the salary established is negotiated locally with the teacher; and the salary established is negotiated locally with the teacher; and after the salary is established, it may not have any relationship to the state/local salary schedule. after the salary is established, it may not have any relationship to the state/local salary schedule.

Personnel on Military Leave TCA § , LEAs may compensate teachers the difference between their regular pay and their military pay while engaged in military service. TCA § , LEAs may compensate teachers the difference between their regular pay and their military pay while engaged in military service.

Personnel on Military Leave If an LEA is paying personnel on military leave full salary, then no reporting changes are required. Personnel on military duty being paid their regular salary would be reported as being on military leave (either assignment code 014 or 095), working 10 months and 0 days, with the appropriate state and local salary reported. Regardless of pay status, personnel on military leave are eligible for career ladder. If an LEA is paying personnel on military leave full salary, then no reporting changes are required. Personnel on military duty being paid their regular salary would be reported as being on military leave (either assignment code 014 or 095), working 10 months and 0 days, with the appropriate state and local salary reported. Regardless of pay status, personnel on military leave are eligible for career ladder.

Personnel on Military Leave If an LEA is not paying personnel while on military leave, then on the December 1 Report, military personnel should be marked inactive (there is no longer a need to drop employees indicating months and days paid as being zero (0), and then having to re-enter data at year end. However, make sure no salary data is reported). If an LEA is not paying personnel while on military leave, then on the December 1 Report, military personnel should be marked inactive (there is no longer a need to drop employees indicating months and days paid as being zero (0), and then having to re-enter data at year end. However, make sure no salary data is reported).

Personnel on Military Leave Military personnel on leave not being paid by the LEA should be re-activated on the Year End Report for experience purposes indicating 10 months 0 days worked, with the appropriate military assignment code (so that experience can be added without year end paper reports). Military personnel on leave not being paid by the LEA should be re-activated on the Year End Report for experience purposes indicating 10 months 0 days worked, with the appropriate military assignment code (so that experience can be added without year end paper reports).

Personnel on Military Leave Military personnel on leave being paid the difference in salary (regular salary less military salary) by the LEA should be reported on the Year End Report for experience purposes by indicating 10 months 0 days worked (so that experience can be added without year end paper reports), but should not be reported on the December 1 report for salary purposes (mark them as being inactive because the salary paid does not relate to the LEAs salary schedule). Military personnel on leave being paid the difference in salary (regular salary less military salary) by the LEA should be reported on the Year End Report for experience purposes by indicating 10 months 0 days worked (so that experience can be added without year end paper reports), but should not be reported on the December 1 report for salary purposes (mark them as being inactive because the salary paid does not relate to the LEAs salary schedule).

Advanced Academic Training Acceptable for Purposes of Salary Rating on the License State Board of Education Rule (15) provides, an individual who is licensed to teach shall be given credit for salary purposes at the next higher level if the individual has earned a terminal professional degree (Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Jurisprudence, etc.) closely related to the area(s) of current endorsement. Designated on View Educator Data as 45, 55, and 65.

Advanced Academic Training Acceptable for Purposes of Salary Rating on the License For example, if an individual has earned a Bachelors Degree in Education and has a license to teach, the individual is rated for salary purposes as a 40. However, if this individual has also earned a terminal degree closely related to the area of current endorsement, the individual is paid at the Masters degree level with a designation of 45. For the purpose of license salary ratings, only the education degree is reflected.

Teacher Licensing Information

Career Ladder Responsibility for Program Administration Governing Statutes and State Board Rules and Regulations Eligibility – Instructional Positions Extended Contracts

Career Ladder Every LEA has the ultimate responsibility for properly administering the Career Ladder Program. Career ladder supplements, as well as eligibility requirements, are governed by TCA § , et seq., and Rules of the State Board of Education Chapter

Career Ladder Property rights do not attach to career ladder supplements, i.e., having a valid career ladder license does not entitle the license holder to the career ladder supplement; the license holder must also be working in a career ladder (instructional) position.

Career Ladder The Departments Personnel Report code revisions should not have affected anyones career ladder supplement unless they were receiving the supplement without being entitled to it.

Career Ladder Please note that the printouts given to LEAs by the Department are in no way to be used for pay purposes, as clearly stated on the report. These reports are generated based upon information submitted to the Department by the LEA, and are used to give notice to LEAs concerning how the funds (payments) were generated.

Career Ladder Positions that would not qualify for the career ladder supplement include, but are not limited to, directors of schools, transportation supervisors, finance directors, human resource personnel, and, especially in larger systems, assistant directors of schools. Food service supervisors were given a special exception by the General Assembly to receive the career ladder supplement.

Career Ladder Educators who work at least ½ time in a career ladder eligible position are eligible for the career ladder supplement based on the percentage of time in the eligible position. Educators temporarily moved into a non-career ladder position are eligible to receive the supplement for one year. Rule , It is the responsibility of the local school system to notify the Office of Teacher Licensing when an educator is placed temporarily in a position not included in the career ladder program.

PIRS Upgrades – Salary Schedule The key to properly reporting personnel at December 1 starts with the maintenance of the LEA salary schedule.

PIRS Upgrades – Salary Schedule Each LEA will have the ability to customize the salary schedule to meet their needs. If a certain salary lane is not used, there is no need in creating it. Subsequent years schedules will be maintained from the base schedule.

Promised PIRS Upgrades Local salary supplements for each licensed employee will be generated from the LEA maintained salary schedule

Promised PIRS Upgrades Additional fields for other local supplements, such as administrative supplements, coaching supplements, extracurricular supplements, etc.

Promised PIRS Upgrades Additional fields for state and local bonuses

Promised PIRS Upgrades Ability to choose which salary schedule licensed personnel are paid from – system-wide schedule or teacher/principal schedule

Promised PIRS Upgrades Adding a next button so that going back to the menu is not necessary to complete data for the next teacher

Promised PIRS Upgrades Adding an inactive field so that personnel not employed on December 1 can be made inactive without dropping the individual and having to re-enter data for year-end report

Promulgation Statement Department of Education; Oct., 2005; Publication Authorization No ; 1,000 copies. This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ per copy. Department of Education; Oct., 2005; Publication Authorization No ; 1,000 copies. This public document was promulgated at a cost of $ per copy.