Plants make food... n All food in the world is made by plants. n this is why plants are called producers n green plants produce food using the energy from the sun!
You are what you eat... n We eat lots of different types of food… n vegetables n meat n dairy foods n cereals
Food groups n We group foods into different groups… n carbohydrates n proteins n fats n fibre n You need foods from all of these groups for a balanced diet
Carbohydrates n Carbohydrates are energy foods, like… n starch … found in potatoes, cereals, bread n sugars …found in sweets, cakes, fruit
Proteins n Proteins are needed to build your cells… n You find proteins in… n meats …like beef, chicken, pork, goat n beans and pulses …like kidney beans, lentils, peas
Fatty foods n We need fatty foods to store energy and to keep us warm… n Most fats are found in animal products, such as… n meat n butter n milk n eggs
Fibre n We need fibre to help us move food through our gut n Fibre comes from the cell walls of plants, so we find it in… n vegetables n cereals n fruit
…that’s not all n We need a few other things for a healthy diet… n Vitamins and minerals we need small amount to keep our skin, hair, teeth and bones healthy n Water 70% of our body is water!