3 NATURAL RESOURCE LAND AIR WATER TIME Time is also a natural resource
4 RESOURCES FOR PRODUCTIVITY Machine Method Material Men Money Minute
5 Difference between time and other resources Other Resources Can be earned Quantity is different from person to person We can get back Usage rate of resources can be controlled by individual Can be accumulated Time Cannot be earned Quantity is constant for all 24 hrs/day We cannot get back Usage is constant for all I.e. 1hr/hr for all Cannot be accumulated
6 What is Resource Management? Manage to increase the resource Manage to consume the resource the way we require Accumulate the resource for future requirement Keep the resource under our control. But Time is not in our control If so, What is TIME MANAGEMENT ?
7 Definition Time Management is self management for effective time use Time management is the art of managing our time by performing value added activities and eliminating time wasters
8 When I accept others as part of my life, I feel most of my time is under other’s control Your time is under your control. Others cannot control your time without your acceptance
10 You Profession Society Family Hobbies Knowledge Health IDENTIFY YOUR ROLE EACH ROLE NEEDS YOUR TIME
11 GOALS OF YOUR ROLES PROFESSION To become Manager within 5 years To start my own industry To involve in politics FAMILY To get a plot / Flat Sister / Daughter marriage Self / Children education.Similarly for Social activity, Health, Knowledge and Hobbies etc
12 Setting Your Goal Is it in line with your core values Do you have the core competency for the goal Is the goal realistic and clear Consequences of reaching the goal Do you desire the goal
13 Set Priority Always vital few activities will give major results Apply 80/20 rule ie. 80% of results achieved from 20 % of activities Eg. 80% of customer returns from 20% of defects 80% of sales from 20% of customers 80% of absentees from 20% of employees 80% of questions asked by 20% of participants
14 QuickCrisis WastePlanning or Comfort - Important + Urgent + Important - Urgent - Important - Urgent + Important + Urgent IMPORTANT 1,1 9,9 HIGH 9,1 Low 1,9 URGENTURGENT JOHARIO’S WINDOW
15 CRISIS ZONE Creating Stress / Tension Poor quality of work Prone for customer complaints No peace of mind or satisfaction Spoiling health. Fire fighting
16 COMFORT ZONE Sufficient time for PDCA Effective and efficient performance Achieving as per plan Good quality of work Satisfaction in the job Comfortable to work Try to be in this zone always
18 Priority Setting AHigh Important1High Urgent BMedium Important2Medium Urgent CLow Important3Low Urgent PRIORITYIMPORTANTURGENT 1A1HIGH 2A2HIGHMEDIUM 3B1MEDIUMHIGH 4A3HIGHLOW 5B2MEDIUM 6C1LOWHIGH 7B3MEDIUMLOW 8C2LOWMEDIUM 9C3LOW
19 Important principles of Time Management Set your goals in various roles Prepare daily ‘to do’ list Prioritize the activities Start with high pay off activity Handle each paper / job only once Do it now. Right now, use the time in best way
20 To do High pay off activities Use prime time Schedule with high pay off Set special dead line Breakup the task Reward and motivate yourself To do low pay off activity Delegate
21 Time Wasters Telephones/Mobile phones Additional urgent jobs from boss Taking all activities yourself without delegation Doing less pay back job Working without time estimation, no PDCA on time Slippage over time schedule Doing others job Waiting for decision or delaying decision Procrastination (Delaying and wasting time)
22 Time pressure on Organisation Conflicting priority Lack of team work Lack of discipline Lack of appreciation on others time Waiting for decision Lack of proper feedback Poor planning Lack of role clarity
23 Time saving action plan Control the telephones Control your real available time (50-90%) Increase the extent of your delegation Avoid low pay-off activities Check your time estimates Expect a slippage (10%) in most time schedules Don’t over commit your time Make the habit of deciding quickly on small matters
24 Major Performance Skills Conceptual Human Technical Top Mgmt. Middle Mgmt. First Line Supervisors TECHNICAL: The ability to work with methods, processes, procedures & techniques HUMAN: The ability to work effectively with people. CONCEPTUAL: The ability to develop ideas… to deal with abstractions… to view the organisation Whole … to recognize how decisions in one area affect other areas.
25 “You are the creator of your own destiny. All the strength you want is within you” “Winners win, not because they are allowed to win but because they decided to win” Therefore make your own future.
26 Check list for identifying self-imposed (decided by yourself)Time Wasters YESNO I do not plan sufficiently Many times I fail to anticipate My goals are not clear I am not able to estimate time limits realistically I Procrastinate too much Many times I attempt to do too much My mistakes are one of my major time wasters I am too involved in details I do not delegate effectively I exercise over control I socialise excessively which is counterproductive
27 Check list for identifying self-imposed Time Wasters YESNO I am unable to terminate visits I am too much preoccupied My emotional upset is one of my time wasters I lack general discipline I suffer from inability to say No I waste lot of my time in arguing I am a poor listener I am a poor reader Any other (Please mention)
28 Check list for identifying Organisation – imposed Time Wasters YESNO There is poor or no planning by others The company policy is not clear or non existent in some / all areas There is inconsistency between values and practices within the company and departments There are conflicting priorities between departments The priorities from senior management are shifting periodically The roles are unclear and ambiguous There are no adequate authorities at various levels Meetings take lot of our time There is generally a delay at every stage in adhering to deadlines
29 Check list for identifying organisation- imposed Time Wasters YESNO There are too many distractions in the organisation There is too much paper work in the organisation Any other (Please mention)