Specialized Movement Phase
Specialized Movement Skills Specialized movement skills = task specific FMS are not task specific Proficiency barrier
Stages of the Specialized Movement Phase Transition Stage (7-10 year olds) First attempts to refine/combine mature movement patterns Accuracy and skill in lead-up activities Skill and proficiency are still limited
Application Stage (11-13 years olds) Aware of personal physical assets and limitations Individual focuses on certain types of sports Practice, practice, practice
Lifelong Utilization Stage (14 and up) Selects a few activities to regularly participate in Fine tuning stage
Youth Sports Activities taking place outside of school day Youth sports involvement has increased Y.S. are controversial in many aspects WHY?
Healthy Participation in YS Should:
Youth Sports Youth Sport participation is exclusionary How?
Benefits of Youth Sports?
Negative Aspects of Youth Sport Participation
Coaching Education Developmental progressions related to specific sport Certified in First Aid and CPR Volunteer Coaches Appropriate role models Background consists of playing particular sport, but not teaching of particular sport Little formal preparation required “Coaching Code of Ethics” ( NAYS)
Parental Education Parents Association for Youth Sports (from website) Stops negative parent behaviors before they happen Educates parents on their roles and responsibilities Enhances parent/league relationships Holds parents who are PAYS members accountable for their actions to a Parents' Code of EthicsParents' Code of Ethics
Over possessive parents Violent incidents at Youth Sport events Over scheduling of children
Drop outs/ Burn outs in YSP Reasons?
Programs National Alliance for Youth Sport – “Smart Start”