Social Studies 8 th grade Industrial Age
Choice1Choice 2Choice 3Choice
Row 1, Col 1 This is a document that gives the rights to make and sell his/her invention. What is a patent?
1,2 Making goods/products in large quantities. Mass production
1,3 When one company controls a whole industry. What is monopolies?
1,4 A organization of workers that work together for better working conditions. What is a union?
2,1 A business in which investors own shares. What is a corporation?
2,2 Product moves across a conveyor belt as each person does their job until it is completed. What is an assembly line?
2,3 Process which made steel faster and cheaper. What is the bessemer process?
2,4 An important banker. Who is John Pierpont Morgan?
3,1 Helped build the steel Industry. Who was Andrew Carnegie?
3,2 He was the most famous figure in the oil industry. Who is John D. Rockefeller?
3,3 A person who uses their money to benefit the community. What is a philanthropist?
3,4 He invented the refrigerated railroad cars for meat. Who is Gustavus Swift?
4,1 He invented the small box camera- the Kodak. Who is George Eastman?
4,2 He invented the telephone. Who is Alexander Graham Bell?
4,3 He started the assembly line and built the Model T Ford. Who is Henry Ford?
4,4 A fire took place here where over 146 women died because there was no place to escape. What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Company?
5,1 In Chicago, a huge fight between the police and strikers at the McCormick Harvester Company. It was called the? What is the Haymarket Riot?
5,2 When children worked in factories. What is child labor?
5,3 Name two standards Established for child labor in Had to be a certain age and could work only a certain amount of hours.
5,4 Working conditions in the 1800’s. Unsafe work places, low pay, many accidents, worked many hours and six days a week.