Stumbleupon in the Classroom
e4xZ8 This a snapshot of what the site is and how it works
I find this website extremely easy to recommend, because I have been using the website for about 2.5 years, and it has been a captivating experience. The intriguing resources and information I “stumble” upon has lead to my researching into topics that I would have never guessed to have been so substantial had I not first been introduced by stumbleupon. In short, this is an easy source to recommend, because it is an educational resource that caters to desire by tailoring what it presents to the user to that users interest, while also providing unique and interesting information that calls the user to further research and deeper thought. Thoughts on the website I posted from discussion 1 for the class:
I don’t have many specific advice on how to utilize this technology, but even if you only offer it to students as a recommendation, that could spur learning that requires no teacher guidance as it transferred to, and driven by, natural curiosities of the students. Second, use it as a teacher. Whether it be to expand one’s knowledge on random content within their discipline or to discover new pedagogical strategies (yes education and the disciplines with in it are interests). It is a great tool to keep us interested in what and how we teach! Here is a website I came across that give some good advice on practical implementation of the site: ways-teachers-can-use-stumbleupon/ ways-teachers-can-use-stumbleupon/
Without a definitive intent for stumbleupon in the classroom it is hard to appropriately categorize it in the SAMR model, but it seems as though it may operate on whole new level within self-directed learning by increasing student autonomy and providing a resource which expands the content to which the student can be exposed. Self-directed learning is modified from a an activity that not only gives the student responsibility but also aids that responsibility by appealing to intrinsic motives of curiosity and intrigue that sustains attention and fosters in depth research, as stumbleupon is a technology that is individualized and informational in nature.
If you get kids hooked in the room, they can get the app (android, ios, windows). As opposed to spending a half an hour after school scrolling through their twitter and facebook news feed, they may stumble, and quite unintentionally, make learning apart of their leisure and free-time
upon-for-beginners/ Here is a guide for getting started
Though I think stumbleupon is an awesome resource for teacher and student alike, it is still only that, a resource. If it helps use it, if not leave it. We are in a profession of relationships, and technologies such as this should only be used if it coincides with the end of relational growth in knowledge and wisdom. Will this help students to exist more beautifully by loving and being loved more deeply?