Joseph E. Fisher, Assistant Commissioner Division of Special Education Branson Townsend, Executive Director Secondary Education Division of Accountability,


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Presentation transcript:

Joseph E. Fisher, Assistant Commissioner Division of Special Education Branson Townsend, Executive Director Secondary Education Division of Accountability, Teaching & Learning

Requires that every public school student shall take a series of three (3) examinations……as a strategy for assessing student readiness to enter and succeed in postsecondary training One assessment in the 8 th grade, one in the 10 th grade and one in the 11 th grade Purpose is to assist in developing interventions for the purpose of increasing graduation rate and improving student preparation for postsecondary achievement

ACT battery of exams 8 th grade……..EXPLORE (accommodations listed in IEP) 10 th grade……PLAN (pre-ACT test) (accommodations listed in IEP) 11 th grade…..ACT (2 options for accommodations……State or ACT)

During the second semester of 8 th grade, all students along with their parents, school counselors and administrator will jointly prepare an initial 4, 5, or 6 year plan of study.

By the end of the 10 th grade, the same team will focus the plan to ensure the completion of the program of study and a smooth transition to postsecondary study and/or to work. The plan will be reviewed annually by the student and the advisor/guidance counselor, and revised based on changes in the students interest and career goals.

High School and middle grades faculty will collaborate in planning curriculum and the transition between middle grades and high school. Work-based learning (WBL) will be available to all students including SWD. One of the capstone experiences listed in the regulations. Students will have access to a system of structured WBL experiences that allow them to apply classroom theories to practical problems and explore career options at the work site.

Ready Core Curriculum: English 4 units Mathematics4 units Science3 units Social Studies3 units Health, Physical Fitness & Wellness 1.5 units Personal Finance.5 units To earn a regular high school diploma, students must earn the prescribed 22 credit minimum & have a satisfactory attendance and discipline record.

Students will complete an elective focus of no less than 3 credits. The elective focus may be in CTE, Science & Math, Humanities, Fine Arts, AP/IB, or other areas approved by the LEA.

A Transition Certificate may be awarded to SWD who, at the end of the 4 th year of high school, have failed to earn a regular diploma (22 units of credit) but have satisfactorily completed an IEP, and have satisfactory records of attendance and conduct. SWD may continue to work towards the high school diploma through the end of the school year in which they turn twenty-two years old.

An IEP certificate will be awarded to SWD who have (1) satisfactorily completed an IEP, (2) successfully completed a portfolio, and (3) have satisfactory records of attendance and conduct. PLEASE NOTE: This replaces the old Special Education Diploma

Students with qualifying disabilities as documented in the IEP shall be required to achieve at least Algebra I and Geometry (or equivalent). The required number of credits in math will be achieved through increased instructional time, appropriate methodologies, accommodations and other differentiated instruction as determined by the IEP team

Must be enrolled in a math course each year of high school 9 th Grade Algebra 1 A 10 th Grade Algebra 1 B End of Course Test 11 th Grade Geometry A 12 th Grade Geometry B End of Course Test Math Requirements SWD Option

An appropriately endorsed SPED teacher who has demonstrated HQ status in Math may serve as the teacher of record and award credit to SPED students (only). In this setting, use the following course codes: Algebra I A31025 Algebra I B31026 Geometry A31085 Geometry B31086

Students with qualifying disabilities as documented in the IEP shall be required to achieve at least Biology I and two other lab science credits. The required number of credits in science will be achieved through increased instructional time, appropriate methodologies, and accommodations and other differentiated instruction, as determined by the IEP team

Note: Only one Lab Course is needed if Biology A and B are taken for credit 10 th GradeBiology 1 A 11 th Grade Biology 1 B End of Course Test

9 th GradePhysical Science focuses on concepts, tends to have less terminology and includes math applications. Other options providing an adequate foundation for taking Biology include: Environmental Science, Earth Science, or Agriscience

An appropriately endorsed SPED teacher who has demonstrated HQ status in science may serve as the teacher of record and award credit to SPED students (only). In this setting, use the following course codes: Biology I A32105 Biology I B32106

An appropriately endorsed SPED teacher who has demonstrated HQ status in English may serve as the teacher of record and award credit to SPED students (only). In this setting, use the following course codes: English English English English English Requirements SWD Option

Those responsible for school approval course codes need to carefully consult the correlation of course code document located on the school approval web site. urse_code_corr.shtml

SWD will be included in regular classes to the degree possible and with appropriate support and accommodations. Involves bringing support services to the student (rather than moving the student to the services) Support provided by Sped teacher/teacher assistant

Gen ed and sped teachers need to establish a rapport by establishing a comfortable relationship Discuss teaching styles How do each manage behavior Gen ed teacher should be part of the IEP process for students in room Sped teacher should not be treated as a teacher assistant

An appropriately endorsed general education teacher who has demonstrated HQ status in Math may serve as the teacher of record and award credit to regular education & special education students with support provided by a Sped teacher/teacher assistant in this inclusive setting In this setting, use the following course codes: Algebra 1 A31023 Algebra 1 B31024 Geometry A31083 Geometry B31084

An appropriately endorsed general education teacher who has demonstrated HQ status in science may serve as the teacher of record and award credit to regular education and special education students with support provided by a Sped teacher/teacher assistant in this inclusive setting In this setting, use the following course codes: Biology I A32103 Biology I B32104

Gateway Math, Language Arts, Science For students entering high school and before not enrolled and have earned course credit in Algebra I, English II, and Biology I but still need to pass the Gateway test to meet their diploma requirement… Interventions still required… May retake this assessment as many times as necessary… Moving to electronic administration of tests… Quick Score: Scale Score, Met/Not Met Diploma Requirement (Different from EOC)– Individual Student Report (Different from EOC)

Will be factored into the teacher assigned student grade at a percentage during the semester in which the exam is given The weight of the end of course examination on the students semester average is as follows for entering 9 th graders school year 20% school year 20% school year and thereafter 25% End of Course Exams Secondary Assessments

New EOC assessments aligned to new curriculum standards… New student achievement performance standards aligned with college and career readiness… (below basic, basic, proficient, and advanced) New achievement performance measure (proficiency) aligned with new college and career readiness definition and mastery of new curriculum standards… End of Course Exams Secondary Assessments

AYP EOC Assessments (administered during set window) Algebra I, English II, Biology I (55 items, untimed) EOC Assessments (administered last 10 days of instruction) English I (55 items, timed) US History (unchanged) Future Assessments Algebra II – Field Test Spring 2010 English III – Field Test Spring 2011 Geometry, Chemistry, Physics

Entered 9 th grade in or prior to Passes class in (takes class for 1 st time…more than likely will meet GWY diploma requirement) GWY Diploma requirement cut Not MET (EOC score was NOT high enough to meet GWY diploma requirement) Intervention NOW …Two options Old GWY intervention…take Old GWY assessment Repeat Class intervention…take new EOC assessment End of Course Exams Secondary Assessments

Any student with an active IEP is eligible to apply the Alternative Performance-Based Assessment (APBA), if needed, in order to improve their grade in a course that has an EOC assessment. This applies to all students presently enrolled in high school regardless of their enrollment date.

SWD must receive appropriate support and accommodations with the goal of mastering course content and passing the EOC assessment. The APBA is an allowable test accommodation approved by state board policy that is to be used only in limited circumstances to improve an EOC test score for SWD who may have an opportunity, based on year long performance in courses with EOC assessments, to pass the course.

With the potential to increase the number of SWD passing core courses required to earn a regular diploma, also comes the potential to increase graduation rates. For AYP purposes, all continuously enrolled 1 st time test takers of the Algebra I, English II and 11 th grade writing assessments will be included in AYP. However, the results of the APBA for SWD will not be included in AYP calculations for the reading and math cells.

The approved process allows SWD to demonstrate that they have met the essential skills of the course based on a rubric scoring system that includes these alternative performance-based methods of assessment: routine classroom tests and/or assignments, projects, Oral response Written response Use of technology Other

APBA alt_EOC.shtml Frequently Asked Questions rans_Policy_FAQ.pdf Power Point Presentation x.shtml