Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Oregon Response to Intervention Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. O regon RTI A ssessment S ystem for I mplementation S upport OASIS
Oregon Response to Intervention
3 Data-Based Decision at the Student Level What is the problem? Why is the problem occurring? What are we going to do about the problem? How is it working? Tier 1: 100% Meetings Tier 2/3: 20% Meetings Tier 3: Individual Problem Solving Meetings ALL ALL STUDENTS FEW FEW STUDENTS SOME SOME STUDENTS
Oregon Response to Intervention
5 Data-Based Decision Making at the Systems Level What is the problem? Why is the problem occurring? What are we going to do about the problem? How is it working?
Oregon Response to Intervention What is OASIS? Oregon RTI Assessment System for Implementation Support An online data dashboard, designed to provide easy access to multiple types and pieces of data Assesses the essential components of your school district’s RTI system.
Data-Based Decision Making with Decision Rules Training Coaching Fidelity Training Coaching Fidelity Standards of Practice Standards of Practice Culture Leadership Teaming/Data- Based Decision Making Professional Learning & Support RTI Essential Components Core Screening Interventions Progress Monitoring SLD Decision Making
Data-Based Decision Making with Decision Rules Training Coaching Fidelity Training Coaching Fidelity Standards of Practice Standards of Practice Culture Leadership Teaming/Data- Based Decision Making Professional Learning & Support RTI Essential Components Core Screening Interventions Progress Monitoring SLD Decision Making
Oregon Response to Intervention OASIS Components 1.DIET (District Implementation Evaluation Tool) –School-Based (DIET-SB) –District-Based (DIET-DB) 2.Universal Screening 3.ODE Data 4.OrRTI Site Visit feedback 5.ORSIS (Oregon Response to Intervention Staff Implementation Survey)
Where to find OASIS
Access to your district data You must be logged on to access any your district’s information
Oregon Response to Intervention Obtaining an Account 1.Determine who will be your database administrator (1-2 people per district) 2. Jon Potter the –Name of database administrator – address of database administrator 3.A username and password will be created for that person
OASIS Components
District Name Your information To change your password My Portal
Useful Documents
District Implementation Evaluation Tool DIET-SB (School-Based) DIET-DB (District-Based)
Oregon Response to Intervention DIETs District Implementation Evaluation Tool –DIET-SB (School-Based) –DIET-DB (District-Based) Designed to be your screening and progress monitoring tool for RTI implementation Not an in-depth diagnostic tool, but more of a snapshot
Oregon Response to Intervention Completing the DIETs
DIET-SB (School-Based) District Implementation Evaluation Tool –DIET-SB (School-Based) Completed by School Leadership Teams 1 for each school in the district Completed ONCE per year (Spring) Measures school level implementation of RTI components: 1. Leadership 2. Teaming 3. Research- Based Core (Tier 1) 4. Research-Based Interventions (Tier 2 & 3) 5. Screening 6. Progress Monitoring 7. Professional Development 8. Coaching*
Data-Based Decision Making with Decision Rules Training Coaching Fidelity Training Coaching Fidelity Standards of Practice Standards of Practice Culture Leadership Teaming/Data- Based Decision Making Professional Learning & Support RTI Essential Components Core Screening Interventions Progress Monitoring SLD Decision Making
DIET-SB (School-Based) District Implementation Evaluation Tool –DIET-SB (School-Based) Include a description of EVIDENCE of why that score is being chosen for the school for each item: Research Based Core (Tier 1) For example: –School schedules –Principal walkthroughs & observations –Non-negotiable document for core –Data from staff survey results
DIET-DB (District-Based) District Implementation Evaluation Tool –DIET-DB (District-Based) Completed by the District Leadership Team 1 for the entire district Completed ONCE per year (Spring) Measures district capacity to implement and sustain RTI practices: 1. Selection2. Training3. Coaching 4. Performance Assessment (Fidelity) 5. Decision Support Data System 6. Facilitative Administration 7. Systems Intervention
Data-Based Decision Making with Decision Rules Training Coaching Fidelity Training Coaching Fidelity Standards of Practice Standards of Practice Culture Leadership Teaming/Data- Based Decision Making Professional Learning & Support RTI Essential Components Core Screening Interventions Progress Monitoring SLD Decision Making
DIET-DB (District-Based) District Implementation Evaluation Tool –DIET-DB (District-Based) Include a description of EVIDENCE of why that score is being chosen for the district for each item: Coaching For example: –Instructional Coach job description –Coaching service delivery plan –Coaching schedule for teachers –Supervision plan for coaches
Oregon Response to Intervention DIET reports
Oregon Response to Intervention Sample DIET-SB report
Oregon Response to Intervention Talk Time Do you currently use the DIET-SB or DIET- DB to help drive decision-making in your district? If yes, what does that look like? If no, what revisions to the DIETs would make them more useful?
Universal Screening District Wide Screening Data
ODE Data Oregon Department of Education Data
Oregon Response to Intervention ODE Data Pulls data directly from ODE’s website Provides multiple graphs and reports on student outcomes
Oregon Response to Intervention ODE Data
Description of available reports Access the reports
Oregon Response to Intervention Talk Time Do you have an efficient system for looking at schoolwide/districtwide student outcome data and using it to make decision? If yes, what does that look like? If no, how could this help?
Site Visit Site Visit Feedback from OrRTI Staff
Oregon Response to Intervention OrRTI Site Visit Feedback Review written feedback from OrRTI staff, including identified strengths and recommendations for next steps. Future Update: An will be sent to your OASIS user(s) indicating a site visit form has been completed by OrRTI staff.
Staff Survey Oregon RTI Staff Implementation Survey (ORSIS)
Oregon Response to Intervention Oregon RTI Staff Implementation Survey (ORSIS) Provides staff input on RTI implementation Measures staff buy-in to RTI processes in your district Brief (35 items, 5-10 minutes to complete) Distributed, completed, & analyzed online Individual results are Anonymous Can be administered up to 2 times per year (Fall and Spring)
Oregon Response to Intervention 35 questions grouped into 11 Essential Elements 1.Leadership 2.Culture 3.Core 4.Screening 5.Interventions 6.Progress Monitoring 7. Teaming/Data-Based Decision Making 8. SLD Decision Making 9. Behavior Support 10. Staff Development & Support 11. Outcomes ORSIS: What does it measure?
Data-Based Decision Making with Decision Rules Training Coaching Fidelity Training Coaching Fidelity Standards of Practice Standards of Practice Culture Leadership Teaming/Data- Based Decision Making Professional Learning & Support RTI Essential Components Core Screening Interventions Progress Monitoring SLD Decision Making
Sample Items I believe there is strong leadership guiding our RTI system (Leadership) I have a clear understanding of what Tier 1 is in my school/district (e.g. core reading curriculum and instructional strategies) (Core) I receive coaching/mentoring to help me implement instructional supports and/or data-based decision making (Staff Development & Support) I believe that my school/district’s RTI system is improving educational outcomes for students in my school (Outcomes)
Oregon Response to Intervention ORSIS: Benefits Evaluate fidelity of implementation of their multi-tiered system of literacy support at the district and school level. Evaluate the level of implementation and understanding among various stakeholder groups in the district (e.g. teachers, administrators, non-certified staff, etc.). Use data to determine areas of strength to celebrate, and areas of need to target for systematic and targeted professional development
Oregon Response to Intervention Accessing the Survey
Oregon Response to Intervention Distributing to Staff
Oregon Response to Intervention Distributing to Staff ORSIS Consumer’s Guide
Taking the Survey
Oregon Response to Intervention Results: Analyzed 3 ways 1.By Entire District 2.By School 3.By Job Role –General education teachers –Special education teachers –Administrators –Other certified Staff (e.g. reading specialists, instructional coaches, school psychologists, etc.) –Non-certified staff (e.g. paraprofessionals, instructional assistants, etc.)
Oregon Response to Intervention Results: Analyzed 3 ways By School District By Role
Oregon Response to Intervention Reports: Who completed the survey?
Reports: Essential Elements
Interventions Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Don’t know or Doesn’t Apply 50% My school/district provides professional development (e.g. training, coaching, technical assistance, etc.) around interventions for struggling learners.
Oregon Response to Intervention Talk Time Do you currently have a systematic way of determining staff buy-in and their knowledge of your RTI system? If yes, how is that data used? If no, how could ORSIS help you gather this information?
Oregon Response to Intervention Now you know where to find the data, and… Using it is the other half (and also the more important half)
Oregon Response to Intervention Triangulating Data What does the leadership team say that we are implementing well? (DIET-SB & DIET- DB) What does staff say that we are implementing well? (ORSIS) What evidence do we have around implementation? What does our student outcome data look like as a result of what we are implementing? (ODE Data, Screening Data)
What if there are multiple areas of need? 1.Leadership 2.Culture 3.Core 4.Screening 5.Interventions 6.Progress Monitoring 7.Teaming/Data- Based Decision Making 8.SLD Decision Making 9.Behavior Support 10.Staff Development & Support 11.Outcomes
Data-Based Decision Making with Decision Rules Training Coaching Fidelity Training Coaching Fidelity Standards of Practice Standards of Practice Culture Leadership Teaming/Data- Based Decision Making Professional Learning & Support RTI Essential Components Core Screening Interventions Progress Monitoring SLD Decision Making
Oregon Response to Intervention A few caveats… The website is under continued development, your patience is appreciated. If you find something that is not functioning properly or does not look right, please let us know. We will continue to add decision-making guides to help inform how you USE the data in OASIS