DBQ Workshop
Eight Commandments of Writing the History Essay I. Have a thesis statement II. Get to the point III. Use factual evidence IV. Take contrary evidence into account V. End the essay simply & cleanly VI. Do NOT use personal pronouns VII. Do NOT misspell or use poor grammar VIII. Do NOT ask rhetorical questions
Things you will be asked to do in a history essay… Analyze Assess/evaluate Compare Contrast Describe Discuss Explain Identify
The Thesis Statement MAGIC (& required) FORMULA: X. However, A, B, and C. Therefore, Y. X= the strongest point against your argument A,B, & C= the 3 strongest points for your argument Y= the position you will be taking (your stand on the prompt Prompt: Assess the validity of the following statement, “Teaching is the most important profession in the world and everyone should consider it as a possible career choice.”
Pros Emotionally satisfying Make a difference in the world Summers off Work during the summer for more pay Not much competition in job market Only need a bachelors degree
Cons Physically demanding Low pay Long work hours Not much respect in our society Requires certification Have to do additional work– coach, etc. Work usually comes home with you
Sample Thesis X. However, A, B, and C. Therefore, Y. Teaching is an emotionally satisfying profession. However, teachers rank consistently at the bottom of the pay scale, often work at home without just compensation, and receive a lack of respect in our society. Therefore, teaching is clearly not the most important profession and would be an unwise career choice.
X. However, A, B, and C. Therefore, Y. Teaching is an emotionally satisfying profession. However, teachers rank consistently at the bottom of the pay scale, often work at home without just compensation, and receive a lack of respect in our society. Therefore, teaching is clearly not the most important profession and would be an unwise career choice.
Grouping/Categorizing the Documents & Outside Information Three Levels– see next slide first
2008 DBQ Prompt: “Analyze the ways in which the Vietnam War heightened social, political, and economic tensions in the United States. Focus your answer on the period Level 3SocialPoliticalEconomic Level 2 Growing unrest & disenchantment over why the war was being fought. Who should run the war and how it should be waged How much should we spend to win the war Level 1Black Panthers Great Society War on Poverty Hippies Woodstock Bob Dylan Tet Offensive Walter Cronkite Kent State Pentagon Papers Selective Service 26 th Amendment Silent Majority Peace with Honor Vietnamization Hawks v. Doves Eugene McCarthy War Powers Act Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Recession Stagflation New Nationalism Revenue Sharing Gas Rationing Guns and Butter
Level 3 thesis= not enough info. Level 1 thesis= too much info. Level 2 thesis= just right
Assess the validity of the following statement, “The United States is the greatest country in the world, and everyone should want to live here.” Pre-Writing Strategy: T- Chart Plug in info. from t chart for THESIS
The Thesis Statement MAGIC (& required) FORMULA: X. However, A, B, and C. Therefore, Y. X= the strongest point against your argument A,B, & C= the 3 strongest points for your argument Y= the position you will be taking (your stand on the prompt Prompt: Assess the validity of the following statement, “Teaching is the most important profession in the world and everyone should consider it as a possible career choice.”
Intro Paragraph A) intro sentence– set the time period (date) B) thesis statement X. However, A, B, and C. Therefore, Y.
Body Paragraphs A) Category introduction B) document analysis to category (1-2 sentences per doc.) Introduce doc. #1, analyze Introduce doc. #2, analyze Etc. C) so what? (historical significance) Min. 4 pieces of outside info Somewhere within the paragraph (doesn’t have to be at end) Examples: battles, people, events