Joe FrodshamBill Gargiulo “Employee INgagement” Engaging the Workforce from the Inside-Out
2000’s Engagement Satisfy Environmental Drivers “Carrots and Sticks” Incremental and temporary improvement in engagement realized by satisfying external needs 1980’s – 1990’s Participation & Empowerment Satisfy Need for Involvement 1960’s ’s Human Relations Satisfy Physical Needs/Wants The field of employee motivation and productivity has followed a clear path to INgagement INgagement Connect from the Inside-Out “Core Needs” Exponential and sustained engagement realized by fulfilling internal needs in the work itself
From Engagement to INgagement Engagement External levers - employee feelings: INgagement Internal drivers - employee relationship with their work: Deep alignment to their job Less reliance on carrots and sticks Stronger & sustained motivation Pay Boss Career opportunities Culture Performance & Productivity
Distribution of Employee INgagement %60%32% Low INgagement Feeling the effects of a job that is misaligned with your passions High INgagement Generally to totally passionate about the work you are doing Moderate INgagement Experiencing some ups and some downs, there are aspects of your work that energize you
Realizing INgagement Career Wealth Indicator – assess current state of individual and company INgagement Consulting: apply contemporary thinking and best practice approaches to building INgagement. Action Planning: build targeted actions to drive greater INgagement across the organization. Workshops: enable the organization to apply the principles and practices of career INgagement. Coaching: support individuals and teams in building sustained engagement. Systemic Approach to Building INgagement
Let’s Discuss INgagement in Your Company Joe FrodshamBill Gargiulo