1.2 Exploring human development. The human lifespan An individual’s lifespan is the length of time that a person lives – from conception to death The.


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Presentation transcript:

1.2 Exploring human development

The human lifespan An individual’s lifespan is the length of time that a person lives – from conception to death The human lifespan can be broken into segments: – Prenatal period (conception to birth) – Infancy (birth to 2 years) – Childhood (2 to 12 years) – Youth (12 to 18 years) – Adulthood (18 years+)

Dimensions of human development Human development relates to physical, social emotional and intellectual components or dimensions These are known as the dimensions of human development

Physical development Refers to changes in the complexity, structure and function of the body, including growth For example: – Change in weight and height that usually occur during the first 15 to 20 years after birth – Rapid growth at infancy – Change in body shape over lifespan – Sexual maturation at puberty – Changes in the production of hormones, for example at puberty and menopause

Social development Refers to changes and improvements in people’s abilities to interact with others, relate to other people and learn to live in social groups A lifelong process Includes complex behaviour such as using language

Emotional development Refers to the capacity to recognise, express and control feelings and emotions Includes development of self-esteem and self- confidence

Intellectual development Refers to changes in mental skills and abilities Includes the capacity to: – Learn new things and understand concepts – Remember – Think logically – Be creative and imaginative – Solve problems

Interrelationship between the dimensions of human development All of the dimensions of human development are interrelated, for example: – Changes that occur at puberty (physical development) can have an effect on self-esteem (emotional development) – Being part of a group (social development) can help a person gain new skills (intellectual development) – Can you think of another example? Discuss in small groups

Interrelationships between health and human development The interrelationships between health and human development can be described as a complex web Optimal health requires optimal development Optimal development requires optimal health

Interrelationships between health and human development Optimal health is achieving the best possible health to which someone can realistically aspire, in some or all three dimensions of health (physical, social and mental) Optimal health also requires optimal physical, social, emotional and intellectual development